Got some preliminary work done so that handwritten posts are posted by my new “app” Amanuensis using micropub. Soon I hope to be able to visually credit the app on my posts’ metadata.
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Chris Aldrich
I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media. View all posts by Chris Aldrich
h/t to @KevinMarks for the app name. 🙂
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I’ve kinda dropped off the Mastodon thing, but is there a quick and easy “how to” on that? ’cause it’d be nice to add that to my Twitter/blog/etc poster.
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@danlyke @kevinmarks There’s some documentation at for how folks are doing this. Ease of set up may depend on your platform and pre-existing code/plugins which may be available.
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I’ve got a cron job that runs through my database and publishes the unpublished stuff, so it’s anything I can run easily from the command-line. Heck, I go to RSS, so feed2toot is probably the one. Just need to remind myself which Mastodon instance I have an account on now…
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@chrisaldrich This is seriously cool, I love how you can control the syndication with checkboxes!
@pimoore I haven’t fully wired up the syndication checkboxes for automated goodness yet, but since I’m doing things by hand, I had to start somewhere.
I remember trying to make Handwritten Tweets a thing a decade ago, but it never went anywhere. I think I even got a domain for it at the time.
What was the domain? Do you still have it? I remember a project involving postcards and Twitter ages ago. I can only imagine the postage costs though…
I do not. I think I went with a “fancy” subdomain pairing, or so. Probably available again by this point, in case anyone wanted to pick it up again.
I actually blogged about it at the time,