A great thread. Though why not use the web as your platform? Micro.blog can do the work to help you own your identity & data, and as @EthanZ suggests it will also allow you to crosspost to both Twitter & Mastodon to stay in touch with the people you chose.
Long thread – buckle up. TL:DR; yes, you should join Mastodon. But you should stay on Twitter as well. What we need are more and different online communities, not just an exodus from a troubled platform.
— Ethan “no blue check before it was cool” Zuckerman (@EthanZ) November 4, 2022
Syndicated from my own site, naturally.
@chrisaldrich Maybe people just don’t know about M.b
@chrisaldrich @ethanz Dan Cohen has this done smoothly https://social.dancohen.org/2022/10/31/for-years-now.html
Dan Cohen
Maybe give @typelogdev a go, if you want something even simpler 😀