Typewriter Backing Sheets for Index Cards

If you’re doing a lot of typing on index cards for your zettelkasten, recipes, or other uses, this may be a useful typewriter hack:

Typewritten index card in elite type with black ink (typos fixed for readability) which reads:

I've finally spent a minute and made a manilla backing sheet for my index card use with typewriters. It should help in properly formatting cards, but will also help a lot with respect to being able to use more of the cards as well as interacting with the paper bail on cards more efficiently. 

The set up should allow me to insert two index cards at a time which will also help with typing efficiency at the same time. I've cut small angled frame edges into the card stock into which I can then insert the index cards. I'm also hoping this will cut down a bit on typewriter noise with cards as the index cards will now "fit into the paper bail earlier than they would before. Finally, I've added marks on the backing sheets that will allow me to better see the end of the index card coming so that I can get better margin use. Since there's additional backing sheet, Ill also be able to type at the very bottom of cards, which wasn't doable before. 

On the very bottom line in the lower left corner as if to prove how much of the index card which can be used is the typed tag: #process 

In red ink in the lower right corner appears a stamped date: MAY 05 2024

Angle down on a mint blue Remington Streamliner typewriter with a large manilla sheet inserted into it. Inserted into small angled slits on the manilla sheet are two index cards one above the other so as to allow the index cards to be typed on sequentially. Light pencil lines on the manilla sheet provide an indication of potential margins for typing on the index cards.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

4 thoughts on “Typewriter Backing Sheets for Index Cards”


  • 🔖 Jeff Miller (orange hatband)

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