Join us in thirty minutes! We'll be live tweeting the event using the hashtag #antiracistglendale
— YWCA Glendale and Pasadena (@ywcagp) Dec 14, 2021
Tag: anti-racism
I may be starting a day or two late, but I’m going to participate in the YWCA Glendale‘s 21 Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge. #YWCA21DayChallenge
It looks like they’ve got a wealth of great resources with many things that can fit a variety of schedules with activities each day that take either 5, 20, or 30 minutes.
I encourage others to join us.
Starting it either contemporaneously with Martin Luther King, Jr. Day or even Inauguration day would have been great and highly appropriate, but given what I’m seeing so far, they’ve got a lot more material so I can probably extend it far beyond 21 days to extend through the entirety of Black History month as well.