I would like to add webmention to my blog. And I am testing it out now! Why you should own your content? Because we have full control of our appearance and interaction with people on the internet: No more losing content due to closing of websites No more privacy issues, no more hidden tracking Cause...
Tag: IndieWebCamp London
One of my favorite parts of IndieWebCamp is the infectious looks of happiness, joy, and glee people have when demoing what they’ve done on their own websites. A special thanks to everyone big and small who participated in the London camp this weekend.
As part of my project list for IndieWebCamp London 2020 (participating remotely), I started a Colophon page for my website, primarily to enumerate some of the plugins and tools I use to publish to my website.
Playing catch up on the logs from an awesome looking IndieWebCamp London last night. Thinking about what to build for my website for day 2.
IndieWebCamp London 2020 is a gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.
The camp has already announced that all participation will be remote and it looks like there will be some good support for remote attendance.
I’ll be attending remotely from Los Angeles as best as I can given the time difference and hope to get some fun new things working on my website this weekend. The etherpad for session proposals is already up for those who want to start posting their discussion ideas.
Can’t make it to IndieWebCamp London in person this weekend? Why not try attending remotely?! There’s usually pretty good streaming video and online chat options. Details for what to expect & how to set up for remote participation: https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamps/Attending
Maybe the EdTech, Open Pedagogy, and Domain of One’s Own crowds could use the opportunity to brainstorm remote class attendance and owning their own teaching/pedagogy/content on their websites?