“I’m always trying to get back to the 20s a little bit.”
—John Dickerson, in Field Notes interview (2016) 

Perhaps lamenting too much technology, Dickerson says he’s got two screens on the computer in his office as well as an iPad and a phone. But he’s also got “a notebook [that] does only one thing”. He’s also got an old black lacquer Underwood standard typewriter (No. 4, 5, or 6?) on his office desk. Typewriters only do one thing too.

Wonder if he still uses it? 

📺 Watched Face The Nation Episode aired on 12-25-16

Watched Face the Nation from CBS, December 25, 2016
CBS' "Face the Nation" reflects back on 2016 and looks ahead to the coming year, with guests Stephen Colbert, host of "The Late Show," and our panel of CBS News correspondents.
I’ve been sitting on this for a few weeks and glad I kept it. Colbert gives a much more serious interview than I would have anticipated. His concept of not playing for teams is an interesting one.

Colbert’s tip for interviewing: “Don’t hold a pen.”