Re why people like using multiple editors:
— Robert Haisfield (@RobertHaisfield) April 22, 2021
Tag: markdown
A Firefox and Google Chrome extension to clip websites and download them into a readable markdown file. - deathau/markdownload
I had MarkDownload installed in Chrome before and had used it a bit. Spent some time tonight and did some custom configuration in the settings to make it easier to save web pages directly to my Obsidian commonplace book. This can be an interesting method for quickly saving and linking lots of data, though it also means saving a lot more than may be strictly necessary, particularly at scale. I’m still not giving up on my methods though.
Once configured for Obsidian, MarkDownload can be a very powerful tool.
The best platform to write and share markdown.
aaronpk thought this was interesting for real-time collaboration and was better than Etherpad
Make your own automatic blogroll
This is the script I use to generate a blogroll from my OPML:
#! /usr/bin/env python3 """ Parse OPML into markdown. """ import sys import re from xml.etree import ElementTree def main(fname): with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fp: tree = ElementTree.parse(fp) for cat_node in tree.find('body').findall('outline'): print("\n## {}\n".format(cat_node.get('title'))) for node in cat_node.findall('outline'): name = node.attrib.get('text') feedurl = node.attrib.get('xmlUrl') url = node.attrib.get('htmlUrl') print("* [{}]({}) ([feed]({}))".format(name, url, feedurl)) if __name__ == "__main__": main(*sys.argv[1:])
👓 14/05/2017, 21:55 | Colin Walker
I currently have webmentions enabled for posts from my own site; it serves as a means to highlight relevant posts or, maybe, parts of a thread.