Bookmarked Tg-list -- transgenic-list (

The transgenic-list (tg-l) was created by Peter Sobieszczuk in 1996, to serve the global research community specializing in genetic modifications of laboratory animals. Since then, three academic institutions have hosted the tg-l: the IGBMC in Strasbourg, France; the University of Manchester, UK; and the Imperial College in London, UK. In 2011, the transgenic-list was moved to the ISTT web server. The ISTT would like to acknowledge the excellent work of Peter and his assistants in establishing the list for the benefit of everyone who has been a part of this list. The tg-l has proven to be a valuable source of knowledge and advice, helping many newcomers to the field of animal transgenesis, and facilitating the exchange of protocols and experiences.

The ISTT is most proud to host the tg-l for the benefit of the entire community of scientists, technicians, students and all others, interested in animal transgenesis.

Tg-l members are active researchers at all levels, from graduate students to full professors, and the technicians, managers, and directors who operate transgenic core facilities.

The tg-l is public (subject to email address verification), unmoderated (messages will not be altered by the list administrator) and closed (only subscribers may post messages). The tg-l currently has about 1800 subscribers from all over the world.

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Tg-list Archives. (The current archive is only available to the list members.)