Watched Explaining the IndieWeb from IndieWebCamp Austin 2020 | Internet Archive

I’d love to see people who participated in this session today and who don’t have ideas for project day tomorrow, to spend 30 minutes writing down what they think the IndieWeb is now that they’ve spent some time interacting with people and thinking about what it is.

I’m also curious: what do they want it to be?

Replied to a tweet by SparkleClass (Twitter)

Using the Webmention and the Semantic Linkbacks plugins you can post events to your WordPress site and others can RSVP from their sites to notify you. Here’s an example of it working on my site:

Bookmarked to reply on Feb 21, 2020 at 15:20

Replied to a tweet by WordCamp Santa Clarita (Twitter)
Submission sent! Can’t wait to see everyone at camp soon.