I’ve claimed throughÂout this book that many bad tyÂpogÂraÂphy habits have been imÂposed upon us by the typeÂwriter. Here, I’ve colÂlected them in one list.
- Straight quotes rather than curly quotes (see straight and curly quotes).
- Two spaces rather than one space beÂtween senÂtences.
- MulÂtiÂple hyÂphens inÂstead of dashes (see hyÂphens and dashes).
- AlÂphaÂbetic apÂproxÂiÂmaÂtions of tradeÂmark and copyÂright symÂbols.
- elÂlipses made with three peÂriÂods rather than an elÂlipÂsis character.
- Non-curly aposÂtroÂphes.
- PreÂtendÂing that acÂcented charÂacÂters don’t exist.
- UsÂing mulÂtiÂple word spaces in a row (for inÂstance, to make a first-line inÂdent.)
- UsÂing tabs and tab stops inÂstead of taÂbles.
- UsÂing carÂriage reÂturns to inÂsert verÂtiÂcal space.
- UsÂing alÂphaÂbet charÂacÂters as subÂstiÂtutes for real math symÂbols.
- MakÂing rules and borÂders out of reÂpeated characters.
- IgÂnorÂing ligÂaÂtures.
- unÂderÂlinÂing anything.
- BeÂlievÂing that monoÂspaced fonts are nice to read.
- AbusÂing all caps.
- ThinkÂing that the best point size for body text is 12.
- IgÂnorÂing kernÂing.
- IgÂnorÂing letÂterspacÂing.
- Too much cenÂtered text.
- Only usÂing sinÂgle or douÂble line spacÂing.
- Only usÂing the line length perÂmitÂted by one-inch page marÂgins.