👤 Tom Brown (); Aaron Parecki (, ); David Shanske (, ); Tantek Çelik (, ); Marty McGuire (); Manton Reece ()
I wish I could have attended IndieWebCamp Austin in person today, but had a good time attending remotely! Thanks to everyone who made the remote experience so usable.
I’m also posting this in part to take a half-stab at person tagging people using homepage webmentions after the last session on post types in which Tantek mentioned tagging specifically. I can already tell this is something I wouldn’t do often without a much more automated system. #manualuntilithurts indeed!
I’ve also found a bug in Twitter in the process! Apparently I can tag people in photos there except for Tantek, who’s username is so short, it won’t populate their pull-down menu to let me add him.
Dear @Twitter @TwitterSupport, I’ve found a #bug. I can’t tag @t in an uploaded photo on web UI, because the drop down doesn’t find his username.
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