As a first step to better understand the different layers of adding microformats to my site (what is currently done by the theme, what by plugins etc.), I decided to start with: what is supposed to go where?
I made a post-it map on my wall to create an overview for myself. The map corresponds to the front page of my blog.
Green is content, pink is h- elements, blue u- elements, and yellow p- elements, with the little square ones covering dt- and rel’s. All this is based on the information provided on the, and not on what my site actually does. So next step is a comparison of what I expect to be there from this map, to what is actually there. This map is also a useful step to see how to add microformats to the u-design theme for myself.
👓 Mapping Microformats To This Site | Interdependent Thoughts
This is an interesting visual exercise.