No meme account is safe—not even @God.
“We are our own BuzzFeed,” said Declan Mortimer, a 16-year-old who ran the @ComedySlam account, with more than 11 million followers. Kaamil Lakhani and Jonathan Foley, who work together on @SocietyFeelings, said they were even in the process of building a dedicated website, as accounts such as @Daquan have already done.
Despite the Christmas setback, most meme account holders mentioned in this article said that they weren’t planning to abandon the platform anytime soon. But the incident served as an acute reminder of how quickly they can lose it all and be forced to start from scratch. “We’re playing on rented property,” said Goswami, “and that’s just so apparent now more than ever before.”
Yes, many reasons made repeatedly evident by Instagram’s past an current actions. We (the collective web of online media small and large) have warned about building on someone else platform for years. Author and journalist, John Battelle wrote an excellent article, Do Not Build Your Brand House On Land You Don’t Own. about the dangers of relying on these platforms back in 2014. But still, people act surprised and outraged whenever the landowner commands attention.
If you not going to adhere to the agreed upon terms of the contract with the landowner, expect to be evicted.