Ha! I recently ran across sever people pushing fasting apps including one called Zero which encourages fasting for 16 hours (or essentially skipping one meal a day.)
Many have been quietly pushing this for the past few years in relation to things like the paleo diet, etc. I’ll also note that Nassim Nicholas Taleb has mentioned something like it frequently (since you mention flaneuring below).
I really must get into Taleb’s work. Thank you for the suggestion. I have tried reading a few of his posts and watching some of lectures. However, I never seem to have enough patience or time to properly take it all in. One of those writers where if you are not giving 110% you get lost quickly.
You’re right about the 110% part! The sad part is that he’s not naturally a good communicator. I might even say he’s a really bad communicator. As a philosopher, he’s got some genuinely useful and powerful thoughts, but he is positively abysmal in communicating it quickly and effectively. I’d attribute some of it to what I’ve seen as his eschewing “the man”, “the system”, governments, and even editors. Of all the interesting writers I know, he could certainly benefit from working with a great editor if he could bring himself to trust one.
Sadly, until that day, we’re just left with sifting through some chaff to find the wheat in his work.
His writing kind of reminds me of writers like Deleuze and Zizek. Have lost count the amount of people that have mentioned the power of Anti-fragile, maybe I start there.