🎧 PressED WordPress and Education twitter conference | Radio #EDUtalk 27-02-19 | EduTalk

Listened to Radio #EDUtalk 27-02-19: PressED WordPress and Education twitter conference from EDUtalk

Pat Lockley talking  about PressEd the conference about WordPress run completely on twitter. PressEd uncovers many aspects of the use of WordPress in all areas of education.

We discussed some of the aspects and features of running a conference on twitter the previous and upcoming conferences. Pat invites anyone who uses WordPress in any area of education to submit a proposal to the conference.

While listening to John Johnston on this topic, I couldn’t help but think how cool it would be if PressEd, an education related conference that is held online via Twitter, could actually be held on WordPress itself. There was a quick mention by Pat Lockley about their consideration of using the P2 theme to effect this, but they’re right in that P2 has been left behind on the side of the road.

I think that such a conference could be held online and actually use WordPress; it would require more of the participants to be using IndieWeb philosophies and technology/plugins like Webmention and perhaps one of the more modern feed readers that are using Microsub.

Alternately, I could see a place where a platform like IndieWeb.xyz could be leveraged as a location to which all the participants could syndicate their content to a particular sub there (it has the ability to force Webmentions for people who can’t send/receive them yet) and then act as the reader in which the conference was taking place. In this sense IndieWeb.xyz would act a bit like an impromptu planet to aggregate all the conversation. I haven’t looked, but if IndieWeb.xyz also had RSS or other feeds coming back out of individual subs, then it would be a bit more like a traditional planet and people could subscribe in their feed reader of choice, and with WebSub or an occasional manual refresh, a conference like this could be done directly from WordPress (or honestly any IndieWeb friendly platform/website) and have much the same impact. In fact, perhaps a bit more impact since all the presenters and participants would and could have archival copies of the conference on their own websites at the end of the day and the ephemeral nature of such an online conference could tend to disappear.

Incidentally, I could almost hear the gears turning in John’s head as I’m sure he was thinking much the same thing. He carefully restrained himself and managed to keep the conversation on track though.

Now I’ll have to brainstorm an IndieWeb for Education using WordPress proposal for this year’s pending PressEd Conference if there’s time left.

I loved the short snippet at the end of the episode where Pat Lockley gave a brief bio on his Twitter handle and domain name. It reminds me a bit of the podcast My URL Is, which I hope comes back with more episodes soon.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

17 thoughts on “🎧 PressED WordPress and Education twitter conference | Radio #EDUtalk 27-02-19 | EduTalk”

  1. Replied to PressED WordPress and Education twitter conference | Radio #EDUtalk 27-02-19 | EduTalk by Chris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)

    Incidentally, I could almost hear the gears turning in John’s head as I’m sure he was thinking much the same thing. He carefully restrained himself and managed to keep the conversation on track though.

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the listen, it is not often I am accused of keeping things on track;-)
    I’ve though about this a wee bit. Doing the whole thing via the indieweb would be beautiful but it raises the barrier for participation very high. Setting up WordPress for indieweb is certainly doable but the number of folk interested in WordPress and education that would do this would be low. Given the notion of accessibility I think this is more something to aim for long term?
    I had though of the idea of running the whole thing on p2, I’ve set up a couple of short term p2 blogs for Education Scotland to go with public events. You can set p2 to allow subscribers to post and set a widget to allow self registration. In our set up this registration was limited to Glow Scotland users. This of course loses the indieweb bit. Unfortunately p2 is pretty horrible on mobile.
    I hope you get a proposal together, it would be great to have an indieWeb presence virtually at the conference. I expect you would post your presentation tweets via your site. I did consider that last time when I presented but was worried about timing and appearance on twitter which I’ve not really got my head round.

    Also on: Twitter icon

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    1. John, I think you’re totally right about the barriers. It’s not something I would recommend lightly either this year or even next year without some serious consideration, but it is something aspirational and definitely worth taking a shot at in the future. If they were to leave Twitter, I would worry that they’d loose out on some additional audience that might otherwise find them organically via their hashtag and other related hashtags. Staying there or allowing others to syndicate to Twitter easily definitely helps out when it comes to the discovery portion.

      Like both of you, I’ve also played around with P2 in the past on a variety of sites, including one that had webmention installed. It’s an interesting set up, but does lose a lot of the IndieWeb flavor that it should really have. While it would do a potentially better job of creating a searchable archive of the conference, it could also still be a lot better.

      My threaded conversation earlier was in some sense a test run of what a Twitter presentation might look like. There are one or two other variations I might like to try first, but I’ll see what I can put together before the deadline.

  2. I’ll note that, even if it’s done manually, my original post and the copied thread on Twitter (with comments!!) are a reasonably good example of how presenters at PressEd could both give and archive their talks on their own websites.

    As a quick sketch, I’m using fragmentions for highlighting/targeting particular segments, and I have both Webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks plugins in combination with a free Brid.gy account to get the comments to come back to my website from Twitter. All of the syndication could be done relatively quickly and manually otherwise.

    I’ve also thought about starting a conversation with an initial post and then continuing the presentation throughout the comments section, for which I’ve previously documented a bit about how to manage threaded conversations between my website and Twitter.

      1. I wouldn’t necessarily rush people to do it this year, but just knowing that it can be done could encourage others to (optionally) make the attempt to do it themselves in the future.

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