Monday on the NewsHour, Republicans say the Mueller report exonerates President Trump, as Democrats insist the full report must be shared with Congress and the public. Plus: Analyzing the Mueller report with Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Kellyanne Conway, how Russia intervened in U.S. elections, legal analysis of the Barr summary, the latest on Brexit and Roger Rosenblatt on reacting to the news.
@c @manton, It might be nicer/prettier UI if kept the original mark up, but still ellipsed the content over the character limit rather than just stripping it all and providing text with a follow up link which kills some of the intent/context. Comparisons of various outputs from WordPress’ Post Kinds Plugin that are shorter versus longer as well as versions with explicit titles can be seen on my account over the past week or so.
I’ve generally put titles on watches, listens, reads, etc., which generally shouldn’t have them. It would be nicer for to pick them up and display them a bit better and prevent the gymnastics that WP users are likely to encounter to get things presented on m.b. a bit better.
@c I’d like to preserve the markup when truncating, but it’s tricky to do well, while still properly closing tags and generally not making a mess of the HTML.
@manton I suspect as much, but thought I’d register it for the bottom of the to-do list. Or more likely just leave it until doesn’t have a text limit and is simply a first class CMS…. 😉