Replied to #oext360 #oextend Music Maketh Me | The Daily Extend (

Spell out your name with songs! What are the tunes that make up “you”?

Everyone’s made up of Stuff. Lots of little things that come together in a collective and show who they are, y’know? One of the ways to get to know someone is through the music they listen to. But this won’t be as scary as “list the next 10 songs that come on shuffle for you,” don’t worry.

Let’s share with the world some of the tunes we jam to by spelling out our name with songs… acrostic poem style!

Here’s my example:

M: “Miss You” by Foster The People
A: “And July” by Heize (feat. DEAN & DJ Friz)
S: “Sloom” by Of Monsters and Men
O: “Our Place” by Hyukoh
O: “Obstacles” by Syd Matters
C: “Castle On The Hill” by Ed Sheeran
H: “House Of Cards (Full Length Edition)” by BTS

Feel free to link to each song so others can check them out! Or not! I ain’t your boss; do what you want!

Since this is a long one, it might help to do it in a thread form on Twitter (with each reply as one letter), or add it to one of your blog posts! Happy jamming, friends!

This was created by a Networked Narratives student for the Daily Digital Alchemy.

In keeping with my effort to focus my responses to the June Daily Extend Challenge on my own domain, I thought I’d add the additional constraint that all the songs I chose would need to be from the jams I’ve explicitly posted on my own site in the past–the assignment did say “tunes we jam to” after all! This prevents me, to some extent, of fashioning an identity using songs I might otherwise go out and freely choose. As a result you’ll get songs I actually listen to and have actively posted about in the past. 

To back it up with some additional data, I’m also linking to my listening history of them on, though I notice that my account isn’t catching as much material as it had previously because I spend a lot of time listening to music on my Amazon Alexa now, and that doesn’t log the hundreds of times I’ve surely listened to Rich Girl over the past several years. Of course some of my scrobbles are aggregated under other versions of these songs as well since they separate originals and remasters from various albums and re-releases.

You should be able to click through to individual jams to hear the songs inline on my site.

C: Carry that Weight – The Beatles #
H: Heart of Gold – Neil Young #
R: Rich Girl – Hall & Oates #
I: I’m Not in Love – 10cc #
S: Sinnerman – Nina Simone #

I also can’t help but mention that when I didn’t renew my subscription to Spotify a while back, they sent me a playlist that wasn’t too dissimilar from this exercise: 

A playlist whose titles spell out an homage to the song "If you leave us now you'll take away the biggest part of us"

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

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