Updated through mid June 2019 for State of the IndieWeb at Summit 2019. Graphs below. The one big noticeable event since Jan was the Google+ shutdown on 2019-03-07.
For fun, we can use this to estimate the total number of webmentions sent in the wild to date. We previously estimated that we hit 1M somewhere around 2017-12-27, at a rate of ~929 new webmentions per day. At that time, ~95% of all webmentions had come from Bridgy, 880 per day.
Since then, Bridgy lost Facebook and Google+, which accounted for ~53% of its webmention volume. We know it’s sent 1,356,878 webmentions total as of today.If we assume non-Bridgy webmention growth has continued apace, from 48 per day at the end of 2017 to 77 per day now, that would add ~53k before then, plus ~33K since, for a total of ~1.44M sent to date, plus or minus a few thousand. Let’s keep it up!