In addition to all of this, since you’re a coder, you might also appreciate some of the more advanced feed discovery code David has written into the Yarns Microsub Server for WordPress (code on Github). You may be able to build some of the discovery bits into some of your syndication hubs/planets in the future.
Of course, like FeedWordPress and the relatively similar PressForward plugin, you might also be able to bend Yarns into an aggregator in similar ways.
Thanks, Chris. I’m eager to dig in a bit more to that plugin; it still seems crazy after all this time that WordPress does not provide discoverable taxonomy feeds.
For finding, previewing, and even subscribing to feeds, I’ve lately been appreciating the Feed Preview add-on in Firefox.
Syndicated copies:
For finding, previewing, and even subscribing to feeds, I’ve lately been appreciating the Feed Preview add-on in Firefox.……