Incidentally, for those who are interested, here’s the outline of how I posted my #PressEDConf20 presentation to Twitter today using my WordPress website. It could be its own presentation.
Published by
Chris Aldrich
I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media. View all posts by Chris Aldrich
Your screenshot provides the answer directly! There’s no link (URL) to my site or one of my posts you’re responding to in your post. By the way, since you’ve got the Webmention plugin installed, it should find the URL and send the webmention for [more…]…
yep. That fixed it. I didn’t include your url in original post so webmention couldn’t authenticate that it was me or spam. 😀