While all are generally solid I’m arranging them for data/information, layout, and image purposes. Here’s the rough order of preference I think I’m going to put them in moving forward:
- American Museum of Natural History, Birds of North America (and/or the Western Region) (DK)
- The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America
- National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Birds of North America,
- Peterson Field Guide to Birds of North America
- Sibley Birds West
- Golden Field Guides: Birds of North America
I’ll probably buy the top two as I proceed. It looks like DK just published an update to theirs in the last month! In particular, I like the volume of detail of the DK edition and the layout for potentially making memorization easier.
Now to figure out how to best lay out the various pieces. I’m thinking that Lynne Kelly’s idea of using a Lukasa memory board may be best. But what to fashion it out of and how?
Spent some time tonight looking at the seven most popular bird books for North America for my memory project. I’m still figuring out how to set up the memory palace for the project though. Lots of data to encode.
While all are generally solid I’m arranging them for data/information, layout, and image purposes. Here’s the rough order of preference I think I’m going to put them in moving forward:
American Museum of Natural History, Birds of North America (and/or the Western Region) (DK)
The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America
National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Birds of North America,
Peterson Field Guide to Birds of North America
Sibley Birds West
Golden Field Guides: Birds of North America
I’ll probably buy the top two as I proceed. It looks like DK just published an update to theirs in the last month! In particular, I like the volume of detail of the DK edition and the layout for potentially making memorization easier.
Now to figure out how to best lay out the various pieces. I’m thinking that Lynne Kelly’s idea of using a Lukasa memory board may be best. But what to fashion it out of and how?
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