Checked into Altadena Public Library - Main
First person in line for the re-opening of the Altadena Libaries curbside pick up after they’ve been closed for a while due to the pandemic lockdown.

This also means I’ve managed to snag the Orion StarBlast 4.5″ Altazimuth Reflector Telescope! Their Library of Things options are fantastic and it’s great that they’re able to loan out so many useful items. I can’t wait to do some enhanced stargazing this week.

Orion Starblast 4.5" Altazimuth Reflector Tabletop Telescope on a small table with instruction manual next to large yellow hard carryingcase

I also picked up a copy of Encyclopedia Brown: Tracks them Down.

The library also donated a box full of children and YA titles and a dozen copies of their new Books I’ve Loved in 2020 zine to put into Little Free Library #8424.

fanned out display of five copies of the Altadena Library zine "Books I've loved in 2020"

Altadena Library zines and “Books I’ve Loved in 2020”

I just put a handful of copies of Altadena Library‘s new zine Books I’ve Loved in 2020 into our Little Free Library for the neighborhood to enjoy. I’d gotten a preview copy a week ago and loved it.

In addition to our neighborhood LFL, you can find it at the local branches of the Altadena Library (they just re-opened for curbside pick up today) and at select Little Free Libraries around Altadena.

If you love zines, they’ve got a collection of others to check out. They’ve also been hosting a regular zine workshop on the third Saturday of the month. You should be able to pick up a zine kit for the next meeting, which I’m hoping to attend. Maybe I’ll put together a zine featuring some of our local neighborhood Little Free Libraries?

Replied to a tweet by Andy BellAndy Bell (Twitter)
It’s not quite Aaron Parecki’s social reader set up, but I’ve described how to bootstrap some of this to Inoreader until they decide to support micropub capabilities to make this easier.