Event Details
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific
Event page: https://events.indieweb.org/2021/09/gardens-and-streams-ii-pPUbyYME33V4
We’ll discuss and brainstorm ideas related to wikis, commonplace books, digital gardens, zettelkasten, and note taking on personal websites and how they might interoperate or communicate with each other. This can include IndieWeb building blocks, user interfaces, functionalities, and everyones’ ideas surrounding these. Bring your thoughts, ideas, and let’s discuss (and build).
This will be a continuation of the ideas from the Garden and Stream pop up session in 2020. Everyone is welcome and need not have attended prior sessions.
We’ll try to do something between a traditional all day IndieWebCamp and a single session pop-up over the span of several hours so that we can accommodate a brief introduction and three BarCamp topic related sessions. Feel free to brainstorm session ideas in advance of the mini-camp, but we’ll choose session topics the morning of the event.
Tentative Schedule
All times Pacific.
- 9:00 AM 30 minute introduction & IndieWeb building blocks
- 9:30 AM 20 minute session pitches and scheduling
- 9:50 AM 10 minute break
- 10:00 AM 60 minute Session 1 (including 10 minute break)
- 11:00 AM 60 minute Session 2 (including 10 minute break)
- 12:00 PM 50 minute Session 3
- 12:50 PM 10 minute closing remarks
- 1:00 PM pop up finished
Hack day? Yes, we’ll all gather the following day for 3 hours at roughly the same time with a short demo session to follow for folks to show off what they’ve been working on. Details for this will be forthcoming.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
- Technology for attending
- IndieWeb Chat Room
- Etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/GardensAndStreams (for real time session planning, chat, questions, and note taking during the session)
- hashtag: #GardensAndStreams
- Code of Conduct: This event is covered by the IndieWeb Code of Conduct. By participating, you’re acknowledging your acceptance of this code.
- Notes and archived video for this session, once finished, can be found at https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Gardens_and_Streams_II
RSVP (optional)
- If your website supports it, post an indie RSVP as a reply to this post or to the event page.
- Or, log in to indieweb.org and on the event page click “I’m Going”.
- Or, RSVP your attendance to this syndicated Tweet
- Or, Add a comment below indicate that you’ll be attending.
And if none of the above methods means anything to you or you can’t log in to use them, don’t worry about it; just show up on the day!
Questions? Concerns? Volunteers?
Feel free to ask in the IndieWeb chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/indieweb/ or post a question below or on the call for volunteers post.
Hi, RSVPing yes for this event
Yep! Count me in!
This Article was mentioned on events.indieweb.org
Reminder: Gardens and Streams II is a BarCamp style event so do take a moment and consider suggesting a topic and facilitate one of the sessions.
#GardensAndStreams #IndieWeb #PKM
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I’d specifically like to invite @joshsullivan, @jack, @kimberlyhirsh, and @jean who may appreciate the Gardens and Streams II event. Please feel free to suggest a session if you’d like.
I’d like to invite the following and hope they can attend:
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I’ll be there. Let me know how I can help.
@chrisaldrich On my calendar! We’ll see to what extent parenting leaves me the space to actually attend.
@chrisaldrich I have put it on my calendar. Unfortunately I still haven’t figured out the whole IndieWeb RSVP drill, so you’ll have to take my word for it. 😏
Email me with details, please. Bernstein@eastgate.com
Yeah it sounds cool! I’m going to try to drop in but honestly could probably only do 30 min, I’d just really struggle with much longer than that since my son is so little, and I’m still figuring out how to mom! 😅
A definite Maybe/Likely
You’re welcome to post this as an event to toolsforthought.rocks to let people there know about it.
Yep. I’ll be there.
We’ve posted the notes and videos from this weekend’s #GardensAndStreams IndieWeb pop up event:
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