Exploring ways to build social infrastructure around books and reading on the open web
Exploring ways to build social infrastructure around books and reading on the open web
Code of Conduct: indieweb.org/code-of-conduct
Format: We’ll try to do something between a traditional all day IndieWebCamp and a single session pop-up over the span of several hours so that we can accommodate a brief introduction and three BarCamp topic related sessions. Feel free to brainstorm session ideas in advance of the mini-camp, but we’ll choose sessions the morning of the event.
9:00 AM 30 minute introduction & IndieWeb building blocks
9:30 AM 20 minute session pitches and scheduling
9:50 AM 10 minute break
10:00 AM 60 minute Session 1 (including 10 minute break)
11:00 AM 60 minute Session 2 (including 10 minute break)
12:00 PM 50 minute Session 3
12:50 PM 10 minute closing remarks
1:00 PM pop-up finished
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Feel free to comment below or ask in the IndieWeb chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/indieweb/
Organizer(s): Chris Aldrich (chrisaldrich in chat)
So glad I could make it to this IndieWeb popup! Interesting to hear other viewpoints and talk things through.
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific
Event page: https://events.indieweb.org/2021/09/gardens-and-streams-ii-pPUbyYME33V4
We’ll discuss and brainstorm ideas related to wikis, commonplace books, digital gardens, zettelkasten, and note taking on personal websites and how they might interoperate or communicate with each other. This can include IndieWeb building blocks, user interfaces, functionalities, and everyones’ ideas surrounding these. Bring your thoughts, ideas, and let’s discuss (and build).
This will be a continuation of the ideas from the Garden and Stream pop up session in 2020. Everyone is welcome and need not have attended prior sessions.
We’ll try to do something between a traditional all day IndieWebCamp and a single session pop-up over the span of several hours so that we can accommodate a brief introduction and three BarCamp topic related sessions. Feel free to brainstorm session ideas in advance of the mini-camp, but we’ll choose session topics the morning of the event.
All times Pacific.
Hack day? Yes, we’ll all gather the following day for 3 hours at roughly the same time with a short demo session to follow for folks to show off what they’ve been working on. Details for this will be forthcoming.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
And if none of the above methods means anything to you or you can’t log in to use them, don’t worry about it; just show up on the day!
Feel free to ask in the IndieWeb chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/indieweb/ or post a question below or on the call for volunteers post.
Microsub is a proposed standard for creating a new generation of social readers that decouples the management of subscriptions to feeds and the parsing/delivering content from the user interface and presentation of the content. This popup IndieWebCamp session will focus on discussions to iterate and evolve the Microsub standard.
Webmentions haven't really been revisited in some time (and with the advent of people leaning to Webmention.io). This is a chance to see what's been really wanted, what hasn't worked and where we can go with it. Let's webmunch on the riddle of webmentions. How can we get more people hosting their own webmention sending, receiving, and validating? How can we prevent Webmention.io from being the beginning and end of IndieWeb participants' use of webmentions?
How do we enable more positive serendipity & discovery via our websites, between both existing friends & family, and new positive interactions. And how do we raise barriers to spam, harassment, and other unpleasant social media interactions.
It's not just "fixing comments", it's much more than that.
Respectful responses include even simple interactions like likes, bookmarks, and reposts, as well as indirect comments like quote tweets.
A broader user-centric conversation about the problem that Vouch is designed to solve one or some parts thereof.
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash
Hammersmith, London, UK |
A comment on the fragile state of society today, by artist Tim Fishlock
Many who attended @WeAreNew_Public‘s #NewPublicFestival earlier this week may be interested in this upcoming IndieWebCamp pop up session.
We totally need to schedule a follow up to the IndieWeb Gardens & Streams session from early 2020 to discuss the efflorescence of platforms in this space. I’d love to see more of them supporting Webmention for garden-to-garden interactions.
Let’s get together as a community and host a theme raising (a play on the idea of the old barn raising). We can all work/hack together to make some of the popular WordPress themes more IndieWeb friendly. We’ll discuss methods for adding the necessary Microformats and best ways to indieweb-ify a WordPress theme.
Either bring your own favorite theme or work from one on a list.
All levels are welcome!
Beginners and those without coding experience are welcome/encouraged to attend. We’ll try to help newcomers learn to begin tinkering with some WordPress theme code. If you don’t have a GitHub account yet, you might create one beforehand and we’ll show you how to use it for development, but even without it you can still do a lot with just a text editor.
When: 2020-09-26 9:30 – 11:30 AM (Pacific) / 12:30 – 2:30 PM (Eastern)
Event page:
hashtag: for social media and used to create an Etherpad for the session: #WPandMicroformats
Etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/WPandMicroformats for note taking during the session
Streaming video/audio platform: Zoom (link to come)
Demos: Yes – when we’re done, show off how well your new hacked theme works on your site.
Newcomers can post a comment on this post below or reply yes via Twitter to https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/1300562134699393024. Or you can feel free to just show up on the morning of the event.
If you feel able, RSVP at Meetable or post an indie RSVP on your own website.
Bring your own theme or a theme you’d like to make more IndieWeb friendly by adding Microformats v2 support. Ideas for possible themes can be found at https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Development#Themes
(Optional) Create a GitHub account which you can use/learn during the process. Those who don’t want a GitHub account can simply use their text editor of choice to modify the relevant theme files.
We’re always happy to have additional help! If you’d like to volunteer or help organize and run the session, please touch base with Chris Aldrich or David Shanske in the IndieWeb Meta chat room.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!
August 8, 2020 at 09:30AM - August 8, 2020 at 11:30AM
IndieAuth is the most implemented decentralized identity protocol, built on top of OAuth 2.0.
This popup IndieWebCamp session will focus on discussions to iterate and evolve the IndieAuth protocol.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone interested in IndieAuth is welcome! Specifically if you've built any IndieAuth clients or servers, we want your input!
Suggested Reading
If you're not already familiar with the IndieAuth spec, please give it a read. We will be starting this session with the assumption that people are familiar with the basics of the IndieAuth protocol.
Since IndieAuth is built on top of OAuth 2.0, it may be helpful to have some knowledge of OAuth 2.0 and its extensions, although this is not required reading.
One of the things driving this session is the recent adoption of the OAuth 2.1 draft by the OAuth Working Group. OAuth 2.1 incorporates the best practices of OAuth 2.0 and extensions into a new draft. We would like to consider upgrading IndieAuth to follow these best practices as well. You can find a summary of the changes in OAuth 2.1 in this blog post and in this video.
Rough Agenda
We've collected topics to discuss in the IndieAuth 1.1 Milestone on GitHub.
Did you see Tantek’s call to action at WordCampUS last November, but wondered how to get started?
Do you have a WordPress website where you want to better own and control your own data?
Do you want to use your own website to interact with other websites or even social media silos?
Are you a teacher or student and need a platform you control for communicating on the web while you’re stuck at home? Don’t want to rely on a toxic corporate social media site to do it?
David Shanske and I are hosting an IndieWebCamp pop-up session/workshop for WordPress beginners to learn a bit more about how to add some of the basic IndieWeb building blocks to their websites.
Whether you’re new to the process or have some questions about how to improve your site, stop by and join us this weekend.
Getting Started with WordPress, an IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session on August 1, 2020 at 9:30 – 11:30am Pacific. Everyone is welcome. RSVP at the event site or by replying on Twitter.
If you don’t already have a domain name or need help getting WordPress set up on a host, stop by one of the Homebrew Website Clubs this week or ask for some help in the IndieWeb chat so you can follow along at the workshop on Saturday.
July 25, 2020 at 09:30AM- July 25, 2020 at 11:30AM
The Micropub protocol is used to create, update and delete posts on one's own domain using third-party clients.
This session will be to iterate on proposed extensions to Micropub, listed on the Micropub-extensions page.
We will discuss which extensions can be moved to stable, try to better define those proposed, and to see who is willing to implement what proposal.