A #zettelkasten or commonplace provides a catalytic surface to which ideas in the “solution of life” can more easily adhere to speed their reaction with ideas you’ve already seen and collected.
Once combined via linking, further thinking and writing, they can be released as novel ideas for everyone to use.
Once combined via linking, further thinking and writing, they can be released as novel ideas for everyone to use.
@chrisaldrich https://anagora.org/zettelkasten
Node [[zettelkasten]] in anagora.org
@chrisaldrich https://anagora.org/zettelkasten
Node [[zettelkasten]] in anagora.org
Chris, what is an idea? A concept? Or a proposition? Are new ideas a combination of concepts? Or a combination of propositions? What is atomic in your proposal? Is statistical mechanics the best way to represent the combination of ideas? What about Phenomics?
Appealing metaphor but what supports it?