White index card with the typewritten text IndieWebCamp San Diego 2023-12-17
My goal for the day 2 at camp is to get my site set up so that I can type a post and with a quick photo send it to my website as a post there. As a reach goal, I’d also like to get alt text working as well for accessibility. I'm hoping I can leverage some of my prior work on posting handwritten posts to get this all done. #IndieWeb #FTW
IndieWebCamp San Diego 2023-12-17 
My goal for the day 2 at camp is to get my site set up so that I can type a post and with a quick photo send it to my website as a post there. As a reach goal, I’d also like to get alt-text working as well for accessibility. I’m hoping I can leverage some of my prior work on posting handwritten posts to get this all done.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

9 thoughts on “”

  1. Photo of a typewritten sheet of paper which reads:
    Typecasting with IndieWeb Building Blocks I recently brough my old Smith-Corona out of deep storage and begun using it again as a thinking and writing tool. Because some of that work was ultimately for my website, I wanted to have a way to transfer the work easily to my site. With IndieWebCamp San Diego and a mention of typecasting a few months back, I had a small brainstorm. I figured that could easily leverage some of the workflow I had designed in December 2021 for handwriting posts to do the same thing with my typewriter. As it turns out, I didn’t need to do much work. My flow using micropub in combination with Google Doc’s optical character recognition was just just the ticket. Now I can type up almost anything, take a photo which I open up in Google Docs. Docs does the OCR work, I save the document, and IFTTT.com picks up the new document in my folder. IFTTT then sends aa copy of the post to my site using Micropub as a private post. If necessary, I can tweak it a bit and add tags, categories, etc. When I’m done, I can publish it directly or schedule it to a future date. Naturally with other infrastructure, I can automatically syndicate the post to other social media sites using POSSE as well. I remember people back in the day doing typecasting in the early blogosphere. I’m hoping my new IndieWeb method will make doing this for myself a little bit easier. I love this ‘new’ posting interface.

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