New shoes for the 1950 Royal KMG typewriter.

Four black rubber feet in a clear plastic bag next to four black rubber spacers in another similar bag sitting in font of the keyboard of a typewriter with a gray body.  Off to the side is a brown identification tag with typed details about the typewriter.

White typed index card that reads: New Rubber Feet! At the end of last week I had ordered some new rubber feet and rubber spacers for the restoration work I was doing on my new (to me) Royal KMG from 1950. The machine is now generally done and working well. I just put the new feet on and they make such a difference. The machine now has a bit of bounce in its step, but with better grip, it's now also not dancing across my table as I type, which honestly was a fun feat given the fact that the machine is close to 30 pounds of curb weight. Special thanks to Scott Bierly of Leesburg, VA who designed and printed these spare/replacement parts out to help resurrect this fantastic typewriter that will be hitting its 75th birthday next year.

Comparison photo of the old rubber spacers and feet with new ones which are shinier and about an 1/8 of an inch thicker.

View down onto two sets of rubber spacers and rubber feet. The new ones are shiny  while the old are tired and dirty. In particular the rubber on the old feet is starting to disintegrate.

Table level comparison of the old rubber feet and spacers on a Royal KMG typewriter. The new ones are nearly an 1/8" thicker.

Close up of a new rubber foot on the bottom of a Royal typewriter. In the foreground is a brown tag with a piece of twine through it. The tag has the identifying information for the typewriter on it.

Side view of a 1950 Royal KMG gray typewriter with brand new rubber feet visible at the bottom.

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

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