Hey there. I’m Theresia Tanzil. Or tre in short.
When I first got to know the internet in the year 2000, I made a commitment to myself: to spend each and every single day to learn as much as I can. Fast forward 20 years – that decision had taken me to very good places.
But from now, I am going to flip the commitment: to spend each and every single day to produce and share what I have learned as much as I can.
This is where I:
- talk to myself. 100% of the stuff I post here is my way of thinking through something.
- share things I am working on, things that interest me, ideas, and musings that I came across as I learn about the world.
Click here for topics you can expect in this blog.
And here to find out what I’m currently working on, thinking about, and spending my time.
If you need help or just want to chat about to any of these areas, I am most reachable on Twitter.
Category: Follow
Making life memorable. That's it.
Mathematics Research Reports is a journal run for and by mathematicians, committed to the mission of providing high-quality scientific content, while adhering to the principles of Fair Open Access. This includes being freely available for a scientific audience worldwide, with no author publication charges, thanks to support from the Anatole Katok Center for Dynamical Systems and Geometry at the Pennsylvania State University. This journal publishes research announcements of significant advances in all branches of mathematics, short complete papers of original research (up to about 15 journal pages), and review articles (up to about 30 journal pages). All articles should be designed to communicate their contents to a broad mathematical audience and should meet high standards for mathematical content and clarity. All papers are reviewed, and the entire Editorial Board must approve the acceptance of any paper. Founded by members of the editorial board of Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences (published by the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences and preceded by Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society), Mathematics Research Reports is owned and operated by its editorial board, and supported by senior editors drawn from among former editors of both Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences and Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society.
I write code and words about code.
just your standard information identity spacetime field
Love its people, but never trust its government.
Desirée García is a designer, editor, speaker, and tenacious gardener living in Austin, Texas. She designs for Automattic by day and edits for A List Apart at night. Her superpower is assembling IKEA furniture.
Dezzie is passionate about designing things that enable people to get on with their work and their lives. The design problems that no one wants to solve but have to get done. Life is too short for technology to be unusable or addictive.
Her work has spanned a quirky range of design problems, from financial transparency in the federal government, to some of the first platforms for enabling people to create with AI. She’s spoken at conferences like Front Conf, O’Reilly Design, and podcasts like The Hustle.
When she is working, Dezzie listens to house music. When she is not, you will find her listening to her daughters, her stomach, the dirt, or the mat.
Structured markup geek. Programmer. Photographer. Author. XML. DocBook. XProc. XSLT. XQuery.
I am currently an employee of MarkLogic Corporation where I’m an engineer. I work out of my home in Austin, TX. Previously, I was employed by Sun Microsystems, Arbortext, and O’Reilly Media (then O’Reilly & Associates).
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions.
A space for me to share my experiences. Some will be technical posts, some will be personal.
I help sensitive spiritual nonconformists live wholehearted, unconventional lives.
My name is Brian Schrader. I'm an independent software developer living in San Diego, CA. This site is my little home on the internet where I go on (and on) about things that are important to me.
I own and run SkyRocket Software, my indie software company, where I make things some people like. I'm also a co-founder of Adventurer's Codex, a tool for enhancing and tracking D&D games. And I'm the lead singer, song-writer, and
Separate microblog at https://microblog.brianschrader.com
A show about the unfinished business of our history and its grip on our future.
Hi, I’m Dan MacKinlay.
I’m a statistician and musician from Australia. Musician should be clear. Statistician, though, what’s that? A statistician is the exact same thing as a data scientist or machine learning researcher with the differences that there are qualifications needed to be a statistician, and that we are snarkier.
These days I work across data analysis, music, generative design and machine learning, especially for time series. I’ve been based at various times at such locations as
- Zürich, Switzerland, where I did my MSc in statistics under Professors Sara van de Geer and Didier Sornette at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Sydney, Australia, where I visualised data for the Powerhouse Museum under Seb Chan
- Bandung, Indonesia, where I worked on interactive music with Common Room and Gustaff Harriman Iskandar
Currently I am doing a PhD in statistics with Zdravko Botev at the University of New South Wales Sydney.
My current methods of interest are point process inference, compressive sensing, design grammars, sequential Monte Carlo methods, concatenative synthesis, differentiable learning, branching processes, Hilbert-space methods in high dimensional inference, stochastic differential equations and the application of all of these to economic modelling, reliability engineering and sick breakbeats.
Followed Jeannie McGeehan | Modern Retro Me
Wife, Mother, Grandmother. Former corporate drone turned stay-at-home mom. Making messes and cleaning them up since 1976.