📺 "Bosch" Rojo Profundo S4 E9 | Amazon

Watched "Bosch" Rojo Profundo S4 E9 from Amazon
Directed by Neema Barnette. With Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Madison Lintz.

The protest looming, Billets strikes a deal with the activists. Irving realizes that old friends are new enemies. Crate and Barrel solve the case of their careers. As the Task Force scrambles to salvage their investigation, Bosch finds himself in the depths of underground Los Angeles.
The noose is tightening, but I feel like there should be at least two episodes after this.

📺 “Bosch” Dark Sky | Amazon

Watched "Bosch" Dark Sky S4 E8 from Amazon
Directed by Ernest R. Dickerson. With Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Madison Lintz.

Hollywood Station goes on TAC Alert. Irving plots his next moves. With new evidence, the Elias case takes an unexpected turn. Maddie tries to connect with her past. Bosch harbors doubts about his Task Force and interviews a new suspect.

📺 “Bosch” Missed Connections | Amazon

Watched "Bosch" Missed Connections S4 E7 from Amazon
Directed by Daisy von Scherler Mayer. With Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Madison Lintz.

Two off-duty patrol officers cause Billets more trouble than she needs while the protests heat up outside Hollywood Station. With a suspect in custody, the Task Force begins to wrap up the case, but Bosch remains unconvinced. Irving learns he's being played and Honey Chandler makes a surprising discovery.
I expected more out of the B plot with the two drunk officers.

📺 “Bosch” The Wine of Youth | Amazon

Watched "Bosch" The Wine of Youth S4 E6 from Amazon
Directed by Zetna Fuentes. With Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Madison Lintz.

The search for Sheehan intensifies, as pressure mounts to solve the Elias murder. The Task Force waits for ballistics to confirm their suspicions. Edgar and Bosch pursue an unofficial 'side project' in the San Gabriel Valley. Billets and Dets. Crate and Barrel respond to a suspicious hit and run in Hollywood.
Crate and Barrel didn’t get enough story line out of the KTK after they’d built that character up over the span of several seasons. I would have preferred a bit more development and fanfare on this part of the plotline throughout this season.

📺 “Bosch” The Coping | Amazon

Watched "Bosch" The Coping S4 E5 from Amazon
Directed by Alex Zakrzewski. With Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Madison Lintz.

Bosch struggles to manage all the things he's lost and to keep the darkness at bay, from himself, and from Maddie. The Task Force bears down on two suspects. Acting Captain Grace Billets gets tangled in station politics and petty opposition, no longer everyone's best friend.
The underwater imagery was a bit wonky, but eventually tied in with Maddie’s description and her scenes near water later on.

📺 “Bosch” Past Lives | Amazon

Watched "Bosch" Past Lives S4, E4 from Amazon
Directed by Tim Hunter. With Titus Welliver, Jamie Hector, Amy Aquino, Sarah Clarke.

Det. Francis Sheehan comes clean to Bosch, Robertson suspects a leak in the investigation, and Edgar joins the Task Force. Social unrest surrounding the Elias murder grows and Irving is pressured to intervene. Eleanor asks Bosch for parenting advice and confesses the truth about her marriage to Reggie Woo.
Nice gut punch here.

👓 Wrapping My Head Around Micro.blog and IndieWeb | Jason Sadler

Read Wrapping My Head Around Micro.blog and IndieWeb by Jason Sadler (sadlerjw.com)
After the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica catastrophe and recent Twitter news (and retraction) about support for 3rd party clients, I found myself wondering about Micro.blog again, after hearing about it on Kickstarter a little over a year ago. On the surface, it’s an indie Twitter-like app, in th...

🎧 <A> | Adactio

Listened to by Jeremy KeithJeremy Keith from adactio.com

The opening keynote from the inaugural HTML Special held before CSS Day 2016 in Amsterdam.

The world exploded into a whirling network of kinships, where everything pointed to everything else, everything explained everything else.
— Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum
I wasn’t able to attend the original presentation, but I think it’s even more valuable to listen to it all alone rather than in what was assuredly a much larger crowd. There is a wonderful presence in this brief history of the internet, made all the more intriguing by Jeremy’s performance as if it were poetry about technology. I find that he’s even managed to give it an interesting structured format, which, in many senses, mirrors the web itself.

I hope that if you’re starting your adventure on the web, that you manage to find this as one of the first links that starts you off on your journey. It’s a great place to start.

🎞 Silk (2007)

Watched Silk (2007) from Picturehouse
Directed by François Girard. With Michael Pitt, Keira Knightley, Kôji Yakusho, Sei Ashina.

The story of a married silkworm merchant-turned-smuggler in 19th century France traveling to Japan for his town's supply of silkworms after a disease wipes out their African supply. During his stay in Japan, he becomes obsessed with the concubine of a local baron.
It’s taken me 4 tries over nearly 8 months, but I’ve finally finished this. I worried about its almost painfully slow pace, but the gut punch in the final act was amazing.

Watched on widescreen television via DirecTV and cable.


👓 Cathy Fisher on fixing Fb: Go back to your 2001 fan site | Kimberly Hirsh

Read Cathy Fisher on fixing Fb: Go back to your 2001 fan site by Kimberly HirshKimberly Hirsh (Kimberly Hirsh)
Cathy Fisher, a Business Professional on Twitter (Twitter) “My idea for fixing Facebook: shut down Facebook and everyone goes back to the weird niche fan site forum they were on in 2001, where they then form a really deep friendship with a teen who lives in Poland” This is basically what I’m ...

👓 Sean Hannity Is Named as Client of Michael Cohen, Trump’s Lawyer | New York Times

Read Sean Hannity Is Named as Client of Michael Cohen, Trump’s Lawyer by Alan Feuer (nytimes.com)
Lawyers for Mr. Cohen, the president’s personal lawyer, had sought to keep Mr. Hannity’s identity a secret in a court challenge of an F.B.I. search of Mr. Cohen’s office.

🎞 Smokey and the Bandit II (1980)

Watched Smokey and the Bandit II (1980) from Universal Pictures
Directed by Hal Needham. With Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed, Dom DeLuise.

The Bandit goes on another cross-country run, transporting an elephant from Florida to Texas. And, once again, Sheriff Buford T. Justice is on his tail.
Not as good as the first, but stupidly entertaining all the way through. An interesting viewpoint into popular culture of the time certainly.

I’ve taken about 3 sittings to manage to get through this. Watched on DirecTV via cable.


👓 What Makes a Vowel a Vowel and a Consonant a Consonant | Today I Found Out

Read What Makes a Vowel a Vowel and a Consonant a Consonant by Emily Upton
ou already know that vowels in the English alphabet are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y, while the rest of the letters are called consonants. But did you ever ask yourself why the letters were divided into two separate groups?

👓 Privacy sentences to ponder | Marginal Revolution

Read Privacy sentences to ponder by Tyler Cowen (Marginal REVOLUTION)
The increasing difficulty in managing one’s online personal data leads to individuals feeling a loss of control. Additionally, repeated consumer data breaches have given people a sense of futility, ultimately making them weary of having to think about online privacy. This phenomenon is called “privacy fatigue.” Although privacy fatigue is prevalent and has been discussed by scholars, there is little empirical research on the phenomenon. A new study published in the journal Computers and Human Behavior aimed not only to conceptualize privacy fatigue but also to examine its role in online privacy behavior. Based on literature on burnout, we developed measurement items for privacy fatigue, which has two key dimensions —emotional exhaustion and cynicism. Data analyzed from a survey of 324 Internet users showed that privacy fatigue has a stronger impact on privacy behavior than privacy concerns do, although the latter is widely regarded as the dominant factor in explaining online privacy behavior.
Emphasis added by me.  That is by Hanbyl Choi, Jonghwa Park, and Yoonhyuk Jung, via Michelle Dawson.
Better control of online privacy is certainly something that the IndieWeb can help to remedy.

The past weeks have indicated that we really do need some regulations. It’s not just Facebook, but major, unpunished leaks from data brokers like Experian (which seemingly actually profited from it’s data leak) or even those of companies like Target. Many have been analogizing data as the “new oil”, but people shouldn’t be treated like dying sea birds trapped in oil slicks.

I’m bookmarking this journal article to read: The role of privacy fatigue in online privacy behavior. 1


Choi H, Park J, Jung Y. The role of privacy fatigue in online privacy behavior. Comput Human Behav. 2018;81:42-51. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.12.001