Ralph chats with Mary Jo Heath, who recently spoke at OU for a Presidential Dream Course titled Women in Media Leadership.
Mary Jo Heath is in her fourth season as Radio Host of the Metropolitan Opera radio broadcasts, hosting both the Saturday matinees heard live by almost eight million people worldwide each week and the evening broadcasts on the Met Opera Radio Channel on SiriusXM – more than 70 live broadcasts of 25 different operas each season. She is only the fourth “Voice of the Met” in the history of the house since the broadcasts began in 1931. Prior to that appointment she spent nine seasons as the Met’s Senior Radio Producer, leading almost 1,000 broadcasts from behind the scenes. She has worked for more than 25 years in many parts of the music industry, from radio stations to record companies to researching and writing to the internet. She holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in music from the University of Oklahoma in her hometown of Norman, Oklahoma. She earned a Ph.D. in music theory from the Eastman School of Music where she returned in May 2016 to give the Commencement Address and receive a Distinguished Alumni Award.
🎧 Episode 046 – Mary Jo Heath, Women and Leadership in the Arts | Media and the End of the World Podcast
I love the idea that a radio producer from opera would sit in on live sports coverage by ESPN to improve her “game”.