👓 Maryam Mirzakhani | What’s New

Read Maryam Mirzakhani by Terry Tao (What's New)
I am totally stunned to learn that Maryam Mirzakhani died today, aged 40, after a severe recurrence of the cancer she had been fighting for several years. I had planned to email her some wishes for a speedy recovery after learning about the relapse yesterday; I still can’t fully believe that she didn’t make it.
A nice obituary about a fantastic mathematician from a fellow Fields Prize winner.

2014 Fields Medal and Nevanlinna Prize Winners Announced

The 2014 Fields Medal and Nevanlinna Prize winners were announced yesterday.

General announcement

Nature: “Iranian is first woman to nab highest prize in maths”
Also includes coverage of the Gauss Prize for research that has had an impact outside mathematics, which was awarded to Stanley Osher of the University of California at Los Angeles.)

Great personal profiles with short videos via Quanta Magazine

Artur AvilaA Brazilian Wunderkind Who Calms Chaos

Manjul BhargavaThe Musical, Magical Number Theorist

Martin HairerIn Noisy Equations, One Who Heard Music

Maryam MirzakhaniA Tenacious Explorer of Abstract Surfaces

Subhash KhotA Grand Vision for the Impossible

Technical explanation of their work

Terry Tao (previous Fields Medal Winner): Avila, Bhargava, Hairer, Mirzakhani