Checkin UCLA Mathematical Sciences Building

I’ll bet I had a better Pi Day than you did today. I got to sit through three hours of a fascinating lecture on complex analysis covering Bernoulli numbers, Reimann’s Zeta Function, the Gamma Function, Euler’s Function, the duplication formula, the symmetrical form of the zeta functional equation, and Reimann’s Hypothesis. All replete with references to pi! Take that nerds!

The best part of daylight savings time? I get to see the sun set on the Mathematical Sciences Building.

Checkin Chevy Chase Library Connection

Stopping by the local mini branch and there’s an exciting storyteller with balloons. A fully grown woman amazed a bunch of 1-8 year olds with the ability to climb into a 6 foot yellow balloon and carefully escape. In a terrifically tiny branch library, how can you not but pay attention to 20 kids chanting, cheering, clapping, and generally recreating the sounds of a hurricane from a storybook? It was better than anything I might have otherwise watched on TV tonight.

Checkin Mijares Mexican Restaurant for Papa Fred’s 90th Birthday

90th Birthday brunch for Papa Fred

I caught some audio of the singing of Happy Birthday as well as a serenade by the Mariachis at Mijares. Apologies in advance for the poor audio quality in a relatively loud and busy room, but it’ll give a small flavor and reminder of the party

Checkin Starbucks on York for Homebrew Website Club

Homebrew Website Club

It was great to see Michael Kirk and his friend who joined in the festivities. Though Michael forgot his laptop, we talked about how his site was doing post IndieWebCamp and I demo’d some of the recent reading workflow I’ve worked through in the past several months. Sadly I forgot the official photo of the group.

Chris Aldrich in his natural habitat (with pastries nearby). Hearing Tantek’s voice in my head, I went back after we wrapped up so I didn’t have to illustrate another one.

Checkin Dunsmore Park

I can smell baseball

On my morning walk today, the grounds crew was out dragging the chains on the warning track. The chalk lines were all freshly laid down.