Picking up take out for dinner
Tag: Mexican Restaurant
Picking up for carry out.
Yep, burritos again!
Burritos for take out.
Checkin Chipotle Mexican Grill
Lunch: chicken burrito with black beans and white rice
Checkin El Portal Restaurant
Lunch: chicken tamale and chicken taco

Checkin Mijares Mexican Restaurant for Papa Fred’s 90th Birthday
90th Birthday brunch for Papa Fred

Entrance to Mijares Mexican Restaurant

Mariachis serenade Papa Fred and family

Papa Fred re-enacting a photo from more than 40 years ago.

Exterior of Mijares Mexican Restaurant

A great way to make an entrance to a room: with Mariachis!
I caught some audio of the singing of Happy Birthday as well as a serenade by the Mariachis at Mijares. Apologies in advance for the poor audio quality in a relatively loud and busy room, but it’ll give a small flavor and reminder of the party