Read A(n) historical take on the evolving use of a/an (The Christian Science Monitor)
English speakers disagree – sometimes vehemently – about how to use “historic” and “historical” with the indefinite articles a/an.
Went down the rabbit hole a bit on this topic this afternoon. Also spent several minutes reading the couple of pages that Fowler’s has on the topic. 
Mostly looking at the idea of whether it should be a Hispanic or an Hispanic.

🔖 Génération IndieWeb 4 et domaines hébergés | xtof

Bookmarked Génération IndieWeb 4 et domaines hébergés by xtof (
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Because there is too little French on the indieweb! And that is a great way to get started easily on the IndieWeb regardless of your generation.


Une jolie traduction en français de la post IndieWeb génération 4 et des domaines hébergés de Manton Reece avec quelques réflexions supplémentaires sur l’utilisation de en tant que plateforme alimentée par IndieWeb.

Si vous parlez français, rejoignez Christophe Ducamp ( et d’autres dans la communauté IndieWeb et sur


A nice French translation of Manton Reece’s post IndieWeb generation 4 and hosted domains followed by some additional thoughts on using as an IndieWeb powered platform.

If you speak French, do join Christophe Ducamp ( and others in the IndieWeb community and on​​​​​​​​