🔖 Ungifted by Gordon Korman

Bookmarked Ungifted by Gordon Korman (Scholastic Inc.)

This funny and touching underdog story is a lovable and goofy adventure with robot fights, middle-school dances, live experiments, and statue-toppling pranks! When Donovan Curtis pulls a major prank at his middle school, he thinks he’s finally gone too far. But thanks to a mix-up by one of the administrators, instead of getting in trouble, Donovan is sent to the Academy of Scholastic Distinction, a special program for gifted and talented students. Although it wasn’t exactly what Donovan had intended, the ASD couldn’t be a more perfectly unexpected hideout for someone like him. But as the students and teachers of ASD grow to realize that Donovan may not be good at math or science (or just about anything), he shows that his gifts may be exactly what the ASD students never knew they needed.

📖 Read pages 117-148 of No Coins, Please by Gordon Korman

📖 Read pages 117-148 Chapter 8 “The Denver Twist” and beginning of Chapter 9 ” A little difference of opinion” of No Coins, Please by Gordon Corman

Things get a bit more far-fetched while running The Pretzel, but the fantasy of the story just sweeps you up.

Also delved into the beginning of the next chapter where everyone stands up for Artie. He’s really got them around his finger now…

📖 Read pages 93-117 of No Coins, Please by Gordon Korman

📖 Read pages 93-117 Chapter 7 “No Frills” of No Coins, Please by Gordon Corman

Though there are some leaps which the reader is likely only all-too-happy-to make, you have to love the way that Artie comes out to his fellow campers while running the no-frills milk store. I can just see Rob and Dennis waking up to the fact that it isn’t just Artie who’s gone, but their entire group.

🔖 Want to read Son of Interflux by Gordon Korman

Bookmarked Son of Interflux by Gordon Korman by Gordon KormanGordon Korman (Scholastic)

Simon's father is the head of Interflux, the world's largest manufacturer of useless things. When Interflux decides to build a factory on the grounds of Simon's high school, Simon "reinvests" the Student Council's funds and decides to fight for his school.

Cover of Son of Interflux by Gordon Korman

An Indieweb Podcast: Episode 8 Interflux

Episode 8: Interflux

Running time: 1h 23m 35s | Download (26.2 MB) | Subscribe by RSS

Summary: David Shanske and I recap the recent IndieWeb Summit 2018 in Portland Oregon including recent developments like microsub, readers, Vouch, and even the comeback of webrings!

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Recap of IndieWeb Summit 2018

Vouch(🎧 00:7:13)

The Year of the Reader (🎧 00:38:32)

Webrings (🎧 00:59:03)

Aaron Parecki posts (🎧 1:12:10)