on why we need dreams and dreamers: https://t.co/M08XqZzOC3 https://t.co/I4UVc3feYP
— Molly Mielke (@mollyfmielke) Dec 13, 2021
Tag: imagination
👓 rapid eye movement from dominique o’brien | General Memory Chat | Art of Memory Forum
Hi, in a TV-show about all kinds of crazy world records I saw dominique o’brien memorising 50 objects that were placed on some kind of running track. When he was doing this, his eyes moved from side to side in a very fast pace. This reminded me of an incredibly smart IT-guy (I felt like Forrest Gump in comparison) that came to our warehouse to implement a new computer system. If he was asked a very difficult question he would look up in the air and his eyes would behave precisely like those o...
Possibly tangentially related:
- If you sit on a swivel chair (safer than doing the same thing standing up) and gently place your fingertips on your closed eyes while you turn around and around, you’ll be able to discern that your eyes will still exhibit saccadic movement even though you can’t “see” anything. (Not sure if this is true for the blind, but it’s worth considering who this may not be true for and why.)
- Rapid Serial Visual Presentation methods for speed reading (Spritz and related apps) work well primarily because they limit saccadic eye movements which take up a proportionally large portion of your reading time. (Ultimately I think there is an upper limit to how fast one can read and comprehend and retain information.)
- The visual systems of chickens are responsible for their odd walking manner in which they throw their heads forward and then move their body underneath them while their head remains stationary. Essentially while their head is moving, they’re “blind”.
Is it possible that saccades of the eye are tied into our visual processing and memory systems in a manner deeper than we’re consciously aware? Does reading on a page help our comprehension or long term memories more because the words have a location on a page versus RSVP reading methods? Do our mental visualizations (imagination) change depending on these visual/reading methods? What effects to these have on our memories?
Some interesting questions worth pondering/researching.
❤️ jimgroom tweeted A brilliant quote from Emily Dickinson framed by @ltaub as a way to think about the slow fuse to knit together a community through new possibilities!
A brilliant quote from Emily Dickinson framed by @ltaub as a way to think about the slow fuse to knit together a community through new possibilities! #Domains19 pic.twitter.com/JKA18sa5Ou
— Jim Groom (@jimgroom) June 10, 2019
“The possible’s slow fuse is lit by the imagination.” —Emily Dickinson
It has taken great minds to discover simple things