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I’ve been looking closer at wikis, online commonplace books, and similar personal/work/lab/research notebooks recently and have come across TiddlyWiki as a useful, simple, but very flexible possibility.

While most of its ecosystem revolves around methods for running the program locally (and often privately) or in Google or Dropbox storage, I’ve come across a growing number of people hosting their instances on their own servers and using them publicly as a melange of personal websites, blogs, and wikis.

Has anyone tried hosting one (particularly the newer TW5) through Reclaim before? Of the many methods, I’m curious which may be the easiest/simplest from a set up perspective?

Here are some interesting examples I’ve come across:
* “A Thesis Notebook” by Alberto Molina
* PESpot Lesson Planner by Patrick Detzner (this one seems to be heavily modified)

Published by

Chris Aldrich

I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, IndieWeb, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media.

6 thoughts on “”

  1. Chris,
    I’ve a couple of small tiddlywikis that I am dipping my toes into.
    One on raspberry pi using node that I use on home network. The other stored in OneDrive and accessed at home and school using desktop app. The second is simpler.

  2. Chris,
    I’ve a couple of small tiddlywikis that I am dipping my toes into.
    One on raspberry pi using node that I use on home network. The other stored in OneDrive and accessed at home and school using desktop app. The second is simpler.

  3. Not on Reclaim, but I have tinkered with it many times over the years.

    TW keeps evolving, and has a whole TiddlyWiki on Node.js – TiddlyWiki on Node.js: TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

    Basically, you run a very simple node.js server, and it creates/reads/saves tiddlers as individual files to disk. You can visit in any browser and edit and so on. Mostly single user – I can’t really recommend TW for multi user, although I did run it for a time on Google AppEngine with some permission settings for multiple google accounts for logins.

    One note, TiddlyWiki uses fragment (#) based routing, so unless you do a bunch of extra work to continuously generate a “Static” site, it becomes very hard to deep link into the site, and the SEO / search-ability of it from the outside is pretty terrible.

    Since I’m doing lots of stuff with IPFS, I may at some point see about experimenting with this plugin GitHub – xmaysonnave/tiddlywiki-ipfs: Ipfs with TiddlyWiki

    1. Thanks for the example and advice @bmann! I’m trying to keep the admin tax down, so delving into node.js just isn’t in the cards right now. I did notice that @timmmmyboy has some related node.js notes hiding in his article on Ghost for Reclaim if others are interested.

      I’ve been following Kicks Condor (the creator of for over a year or more now, and it was actually some of his explorations that got me into this rabbit hole. 🙂

      I’m all too aware of the fragment redirects and js;dr issues involved in public instances of TiddlyWiki, especially since I want to try to get webmentions and other IndieWeb tech working on them.

      In the erstwhile, I’ve puzzled out how to redirect a domain name to GitHub pages where I’m hosting a public copy.

      Syndicated copies:

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