Watched Check Yourself with Lateral Reading: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #3 by John Green from YouTube
Look to your left. Look to your right. Look at this video. Today, John Green is going to teach you how to read laterally, using multiple tabs in your browser to look stuff up and fact check as you read. Real-time fact-checking an help you figure out what's real and what's not on the internet.

Music box repair

I was a bit stressed out earlier and needed a mini-project, so I picked up an old music box from grandma that hadn’t worked in over a decade.

I ultimately ended up taking the entire thing apart to get it working again properly. Nice to have a bit of a distraction.

Here’s a few photos of the Swiss Thorens No 26 1/2 Emmentalerlied Kuhreigen Vo Luzern uf Weggis zue along with a very up close audio that picks up the depth of the inner mechanics. The tune plays through twice before I let the mechanism stop itself.

Perhaps I’ll revisit the positioning of the pins to improve the sound, but at least it’s working again.

Reposted a thread by Dr. Ariela GrossDr. Ariela Gross (Twitter)
RSVPed Attending IndieWebCamp West 2020
June 27 - 28, 2020: Two days meeting up online to share ideas, create & improve personal websites, and build upon each other's creations. Whether you’re a creator, writer, blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, there is something for you here. All skill and experience levels welcome.
Coronavirus concerns have caused us to cancel the annual in-person IndieWebSummit 2020 , so I’m helping to co-organize this two day online event and welcome anyone who’d like to join.

Passionate about helping people to get online? Volunteer to help us out.

Watched "I Love Lucy" Tennessee Ernie Visits from CBS
Directed by William Asher. Cousin Ernie (Tennessee Ernie Ford) visits the Ricardos and won't leave. Lucy gets creative trying to find a way to get him to go home.
Noticing that they’ve got separate beds now when they didn’t in early episodes.

Great guest star in Tennessee Ernie Ford here. annotations to WordPress via RSS

I created a video overview/walkthrough of how I take highlights and annotations on and feed them through to my WordPress Website using RSS and

I suspect that a reasonable WordPress user could probably set up a free account and use the RSS feed from it (something like to create an recipe to post it as a public/draft to their WordPress website.

My version presented here has also been augmented by also using the Post Kinds Plugin to which I’ve manually added a custom annotation post type along with some CSS for the yellow highlight effect. These additional coding flourishes aren’t absolutely necessary for those who just want to own the data on their website.

If you want to get even fancier you could also do RSS to IFTTT to do a webhook post to an Micropub endpoint or custom code your own solution using their API. Lots of options are available, the most difficult part may be knowing that something like this could even be done.