The complexities of social media ought to prompt deep reflection on what we all owe to the future, and how we might discharge this debt.
This fantastic essay touches on so many things related to IndieWeb and A Domain of One’s Own. We often talk about the “why” of these movements, but Alan Jacobs provides some underlying ethics as well.
For those who don’t have a subscription, Alan has kindly and pleasantly provided a samizdat version on his site in .pdf format.
This fantastic essay touches on so many things related to IndieWeb and A Domain of One’s Own. We often talk about the “why” of these movements, but Alan Jacobs provides some underlying ethics as well.
For those who don’t have a subscription, Alan has kindly and pleasantly provided a samizdat version on his site in .pdf format.
Syndicated copies:
This fantastic essay touches on so many things related to IndieWeb and A Domain of One’s Own. We of…
This fantastic essay touches on so many things related to IndieWeb and A Domain of One’s Own. We of…
This fantastic essay touches on so many things related to IndieWeb and A Domain of One’s Own. We of…
Thank you for linking this. The essay really crystallizes the moral underpinnings of IndieWeb.