I’ve created a public (closed membership) Zotero group for those who might like to share and contribute research into a #ToolsForThought related repository.
This sounds interesting, Chris. Thanks for organizing this group.
@chrisaldrich Would love to see a publicly available reading list come out of it, if possible 🙏
Many have just been requesting to join the group and I’m giving free access. For those who don’t want to create an account, here’s the current list, though you don’t get a lot of the additional tags, metadata, etc.
Syndicated copies:
@person72443 Many have just been requesting to join the group and I’m giving free access. For those who don’t want to create an account, here’s the current list, though you don’t get a lot of the additional tags, metadata, etc.https://boffosocko.com/research/tools-for-thought-bibliography/https://boffosocko.com/2022/04/28/55804318/?replytocom=377485#respond
Tools for Thought Bibliography | Chris Aldrich
@chrisaldrich Thank you!
@person72443 Many have just been requesting to join the group and I’m giving free access. For those who don’t want to create an account, here’s the current list, though you don’t get a lot of the additional tags, metadata, etc.https://boffosocko.com/research/tools-for-thought-bibliography/https://boffosocko.com/2022/04/28/55804318/?replytocom=377485#respond
Tools for Thought Bibliography | Chris Aldrich