I don’t tend to document my process in any real tangible way. I have one photo of my desk with some cards on it and Scapple open that I have posted on here before. My process is very fluid and depends a lot on whether I am writing by myself, in collaboration, or what the output is. Sometimes, I don’t even look at my cards, like with a recent book chapter I am writing, not because they are not useful but because I already know what went into the cards by heart and had a fair idea of how I would use those cards to put that chapter together. Other times, especially if it is new knowledge I sort through the cards, draw out the few that are relevant to get my argument started and use whatever means necessary to put together a mind map or outline of my piece. Sometimes I may dip in and out of my ZK, where I think, “I am sure I have read about/taken a note on this.”

I think the process will vary dependent on what kind of writer you are. There are apparently two main types: “pantsers” and “plotters”, but in reality people usually sit somewhere along the scale with these two types being extreme ends of a scale. I plot to a point and then test out the plot in a very “pantser” way, so I can’t show a clear workflow from read >> note>> ZK>> plot>> output. I feel like if I do, people will assume that this is a workflow that would work for them, when in reality it is probably one I use to fit that specific use case.