Attended An introduction to the WP REST API | WordCamp Orange County 2019

Watched An introduction to the WP REST API by John HawkinsJohn Hawkins from WordCamp Orange County 2019
In this presentation, I’m going to give a brief introduction to the WP REST API, how to create custom end points, and some tools you can use to test your API as you’re developing it!
Great overview presentation, but a tad on the elementary side for me. John generally does a very solid job, but here I think he spent too much time on talking about other ways of doing things as a means of motivating why to use the REST API instead of talking about the REST API itself.

I did get the chance to meet a great programmer and developer named Beth who was previously in the area of instructional design.

Attended Making the world a better place through web design | WordCamp Orange County

Watched Making the world a better place through web design by Natalie MacLeesNatalie MacLees from WordCamp Orange County 2019
We all know better than to think that design is just about ‘making things look pretty’. But did you ever stop to think about the power you have as a web designer (or developer) to make the world a better place? It’s true! You have the power every single day to help make the world more just and equitable through design thinking and an inclusive mindset. We’ll explore how every person involved in designing and building the web can help lead the way, how to convince others to follow in your footsteps, and how to save yourself from being a plain vanilla designer.
A great way to start off the camp! The idea of inclusive design is a much better way to frame accessibility and related ideas.

Natalie standing next to the podium with a slide from her presentation on the screen behind her that reads "Inclusive design benefits everyone."

👓 Julia Angwin Is Out as Editor of New Tech Watchdog Site The Markup | New York Times

Read Julia Angwin Is Out as Editor of New Tech Watchdog Site The Markup (New York Times)
Ms. Angwin was one of three founders of The Markup, which is dedicated to investigating technology and its effects on society. Five journalists resigned.

📺 “Murder, She Wrote” The Murder of Sherlock Holmes | Hulu

Watched "Murder, She Wrote" The Murder of Sherlock Holmes from Hulu
Directed by Corey Allen. With Angela Lansbury, Eddie Barth, Jessica Browne, Bert Convy. Former English teacher Jessica Fletcher travels to New York to celebrate the success of her debut novel, but when an unwanted guest is murdered at a costume party, she wishes she'd stayed home.
A generally entertaining pilot episode, but there were several painfully obvious moments that played out over a much longer time frame than they should have. Interesting to see Ned Beatty doing television here and playing the dumb detective. Seeing Bert Convey was entertaining as I hadn’t thought about him for decades.

👓 Support for Julia Angwin grows as funders investigate the “coup” at The Markup” | Nieman Lab

Read Support for Julia Angwin grows as funders investigate the “coup” at The Markup (Nieman Lab)
After her ouster as editor-in-chief, multiple funders say they are taking steps to "reassess" their support.

👓 Game of Phones: Podcasts and podcast apps are now treating each other like wary rivals, protecting their turf | Nieman Lab

Read Game of Phones: Podcasts and podcast apps are now treating each other like wary rivals, protecting their turf (Nieman Lab)
Luminary gets pushback from Spotify and The New York Times: temporary glitch or the real start of the platform wars? Plus: Gimlet gets a union, a new podcast incubator, and Mueller Mueller everywhere.

👓 L’affaire Luminary continues with more podcasts dropping out and allegations of technical bad behavior | Nieman Lab

Read L’affaire Luminary continues with more podcasts dropping out and allegations of technical bad behavior (Nieman Lab)
The paid podcast app may well be doing nothing wrong in its hosting of podcasts from the open web — but nonetheless, what they've been best at thus far is generating pushback.

👓 Luminary says it’s not copying your podcast files and it’s no longer screwing with your stats — but it is killing all your show-notes links on purpose | Nieman Lab

Read Luminary says it’s not copying your podcast files and it’s no longer screwing with your stats — but it is killing all your show-notes links on purpose (Nieman Lab)
Those links to your donate page or Patreon signup are "security concerns."

👓 The Demands of Positive Celebrity Coverage | Jezebel

Read The Demands of Positive Celebrity Coverage (The Muse)
It’s been a rough week to be a star, and a rough week to be someone who listens to what stars have to say. At least, that’s what social media tells me. Some of the most famous people making music today—Ariana Grande, Cardi B, and Justin Bieber (as well as Lizzo, a darling of critics and her fans but not quite of superstar status... yet?)—have shared their thoughts online regarding the state of media in 2019. None of it advocates for a free press, much less even contends with that notion. The gist is that journalism should be service journalism that primarily serves the powerful and their images.