The nice part is that this sort of model allows the user to collect this data and send these notifications on an as-desired basis to the publisher.
Tag: podcatchers
One of the best podcast apps just got bought by some of the biggest podcast producers
More investment in the podcasting open ecosystem
Pocket Casts is instead committed to podcasting’s open ecosystem of freely available RSS feeds, CEO Owen Grover says.❧
I wish their app allowed one to actually use the podcast’s native URL(s) when sharing instead of providing a shortened URL.
Annotated on March 02, 2020 at 12:21PM
Podcast discovery, Huffduffer, and listen feeds
While finding content which others have bookmarked is an excellent discovery mechanism, I think that finding it by means of things they’ve actually listened to would be even more powerful. By saying you’ve listened to something, it means you’ve put some skin in the game and spent some of your own valuable time actually consuming the content and then separately posting about it. I wonder how Huffduffer might incorporate this sort of “listen” functionality in addition to their bookmarking functionality? I can’t help but thinking that more audio applications should have Micropub functionality for posting listens.
Here I’ll remind people that my website provides just such a feed of my own listens, so if you want to hear exactly what I’ve been listening to, you can have your own feed of it, which I call my faux-cast and you should be able to subscribe to it in most podcatchers. I do roughly the same thing for all the things I read online and off as well. I may bookmark something as interesting, but you know it was even more valuable to me when I’ve spent the time to actually listen to or read it from start to finish.
Do you have a listen feed I could subscribe to? Perhaps a Huffduffer account I should follow? How do you discover audio content online? How could this be used in the education technology space?
👓 L’affaire Luminary continues with more podcasts dropping out and allegations of technical bad behavior | Nieman Lab
The paid podcast app may well be doing nothing wrong in its hosting of podcasts from the open web — but nonetheless, what they've been best at thus far is generating pushback.
👓 Luminary says it’s not copying your podcast files and it’s no longer screwing with your stats — but it is killing all your show-notes links on purpose | Nieman Lab
Those links to your donate page or Patreon signup are "security concerns."
👓 Audio in email is not a podcast | Manton Reece
Today Substack announced support for sending audio episodes in email newsletters: Subscription podcasting through Substack works in the same way as publishing newsletters. Once the feature is enabled, you can create an audio post that is just like a normal post and can go out to everyone or only to ...