Liked a tweet by whitneywhitney (Twitter)

How do you know that the IndieWeb has arrived?

Neologisms like “indiewebspiration”.

Liked a tweet by Melanie Mitchell (Twitter)
Liked a tweet by Matt MaldreMatt Maldre (Twitter)
Liked a tweet by Aram Zucker-ScharffAram Zucker-Scharff (Twitter)
I’m quite touched that Aram includes me in such a list.
Liked a post by Henrique DiasHenrique Dias (Henrique Dias (@hacdias))

Just published two minimal packages to help building micropub applications!

The first one is called micropub-parser and it's basically a port from @aaronpk's pk3-micropub package to JavaScript.

The second one is a small IndieAuth middleware that can be easily plugged into an Express.js app!

Liked Backfeed without code by Ryan BarrettRyan Barrett (
I’ve spent most of my time in the IndieWeb on backfeed: sending interactions from social networks back to your web site. Bridgy, the service we built, has served that need wel...
I’ve obviously read this before, but somehow I’ve now got some new respect for the basis of the broader underlying idea.
Liked a tweet by AmandaAmanda (Twitter)
What a fantastic vote of confidence! I’ll take it.
Liked Syndication Links 4.2.1 and Simple Location 4.0.2 Released by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (

Released some minor bugfix editions today.

Simple Location

  • Rounds all numbers to a maximum of two decimal points, as I introduced a bug in the last version that would fail to fill in numbers in the post editor due form validation requirements.
  • Extracts additional location information from Compass…mostly the information I store when I’m on a plane, to generate a better description of the location. It also passes this info to WordPress more effectively so it could do more in future.
  • I also introduced a new location provider. If set, if you enter a 3 letter airport code in the location name box, it will replace it with the location and name of that airport, as well as the weather. In future, I may add a similar reverse address lookup for people.
  • Misc bug fixes

Syndication Links

  • Some bug fixes introduced in 4.2.0
  • Due to the request to allow syndication provider checkboxes to be checked by default, I introduced two new filters: syndication_link_checked and syndication_link_disabled. The first parameter of each is a boolean that if true, will set either checked or disabled on that Syndication Provider. The second and third parameter is the uid of the provider and the post_id of the post.