Listened to The Informed Life: Episode 139 Chris Aldrich on Cybernetic Communications by Jorge ArangoJorge Arango from The Informed Life

Chris Aldrich has the most multi-disciplinary resume I’ve ever seen, with a background that includes biomedics, electrical engineering, entertainment, genetics, theoretical mathematics, and more. Chris describes himself as a modern-day cybernetician, and in this conversation we discuss cybernetics and communications, differences between oral and literary cultures, and indigenous traditions and mnemonics, among many other things.

Show notes and audio transcript available at The Informed Life: Episode 139

A while back, I recorded an episode of The Informed Life with Jorge Arango, and it’s just been released. We had hoped to cover a couple of specific topics, but just as we hit record, our topic agenda took a left turn into some of my recent interests in intellectual history.

Jorge has a great little show which he’s been doing for quite a while. If you’re not already subscribed, take a moment to see what he’s offering in the broad space of tools for thought. I’ve been a long time subscriber and was happy to chat with Jorge directly.

Watched "The West Wing" The Warfare of Genghis Khan from Netflix
Directed by Bill D'Elia. A nuclear device is tested in the Indian Ocean, but none of the known nuclear powers will claim responsibility, leading to the possibility of a terrorist group holding missile tests. Vice President Russell, heretofore dismissed by west wing staff as a joke, a four-term congressman alleged to be securely in the pocket of a large Colorado mining company, recalls a junket he'd taken early in his ...
The infamous Chris Aldrich episode!
Liked a tweet by Aram Zucker-ScharffAram Zucker-Scharff (Twitter)
I’m quite touched that Aram includes me in such a list.
Liked a tweet by AmandaAmanda (Twitter)
What a fantastic vote of confidence! I’ll take it.
Later today, Jared Pereirah will be interviewing me about my website as part of his course Learning with Personal Websites within the Hyperlink Academy.

Join us this afternoon on a live stream at 3PM EST / 12PM PST to chat and ask questions about my website, how I use it as a digital commonplace book, and the IndieWeb movement.

RSVP and Zoom link here:

❤️ WordCampRS tweeted @ChrisAldrich presents on “Welcome to Web 3.0, the internet you always wish you had.”

Liked a tweet by WordCamp Riverside - Nov. 8-10 2019WordCamp Riverside - Nov. 8-10 2019 (Twitter)

❤️ AndreJaenisch tweeted @TheGreenGreek @eleven_ty @css @davidwalshblog @codepo8 @adactio @ShopTalkShow @aardrian @soapdog @end3r @zachleat @Amy_Hupe @SaraSoueidan @brad_frost @ChrisAldrich

Liked a tweet by André Jaenisch (Twitter)
My site is nothing really special in terms of look and feel (though I do like the WordPress Twenty Sixteen default theme’s clean look), so I can only imagine that I’m listed here for what my site does and how I use it. I must say that I’m in some interesting company at least.

🔖 Speakers: Round Two | WordCamp Riverside 2019

Bookmarked WordCamp Riverside 2019 Speakers: Round Two by Verious B. Smith III (

This group will join our other speakers for 3 days of sessions on November 8th – 10th. We hope you’ll join us for their sessions. View the Full Schedule Here & Get your ticket today!

Reposted Planned Parenthood Hosts Fall Benefit (Outlook Newspapers)
Reposted Planned Parenthood Pasadena Sees Almost 400 at Gala, Raises Funds (

5:42 pm | October 7, 2019

At their annual Fall Benefit, Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley welcomed 375 guests to the Pasadena Langham Huntington Hotel. The event raised over $378,000 in much-needed funds for the organization’s four health care centers located in Pasadena, Eagle Rock, Alhambra and Glendora.

The evening honored Joan Caillouette for more than 60 years of service and dedication to the organization’s mission. Caillouette began volunteering at the Pasadena health center in the early 1960s. For the next 15 years, she became a warm and dependable presence caring for patients each week and even enlisting the help of her husband, Dr. James Caillouette. In the 1970s and 80s she served two terms as the chair of the Board of Directors. She has also chaired the patron committee for the Fall Benefit for nearly 60 years.

Emcees for the event were Roni Geva and Margaret Katch, creators of the pro-choice comedy, CTRL ALT DELETE, an award-winning short film series that highlights their passions for female-driven stories and the intersection of art and activism.

Founded in 1933 by Pasadena residents dedicated to women’s health, PPPSGV is not only among the oldest of Planned Parenthood affiliates—they’re also one of the fastest growing. Today, they see over 60,000 patient visits per year and deliver over 15,000 opportunities for sex and relationship education in local schools and colleges.

Photography by SHIRLEY HUANG

❤️ joe4ska tweeted Micropub Rocks! With @ChrisAldrich @wordcampscv #WCSCV

Liked a tweet by Joseph DicksonJoseph Dickson (Twitter)

❤️ vuildco tweeted @zeldman @thebigwebshow @t #indieweb is excellent & the solution we’ve needed for ages. @t & @zeldman great podcast.

Liked Vuild on Twitter (Twitter)
It was a great little podcast episode.