“Inviting people to laugh with you while you are laughing at yourself is a good thing to do. You may be a fool but you’re the fool in charge.” ❧
Annotated content
This! I want this too and I feel like I’m getting there with IndieWeb-related tools!
Typo? I suspect Joseph may have transposed the ‘footer-menu’ an ‘header-menu’ in these two sections.
I imagine that header-menu belongs in the
I imagine that header-menu belongs in the
This is probably the question of the past two decades which many companies are only beginning to realize.
John, you should spend a minute or two to learn about Hypothes.is as an online tool for doing this. It’s a free account or you can self-host the software yourself if you like. There are also functionalities to have public, private, or group annotations.
I often pull my own annotations to my personal website similar to your own Memex and publish them there (example: https://boffosocko.com/kind/annotation/)
Incidentally you can also annotate documents stored locally on your computer, but viewed through a browser as well as collaboratively annotating with others.
Interesting… earlier today I was actually thinking about how it might be easier to help both students and teachers in their onboarding process. I had thought that a set up like Terry Green’s Open Patchbooks might be an interesting way to do this: see http://openlearnerpatchbook.org/ and https://facultypatchbook.pressbooks.com/
This suggests an interesting tagline for Hypothesis: “Shortening the distance between the text and its readers.”
In part out of laziness and lack of an easy way to implement a workflow and mark up, I will post content (bookmarks or notes) to my website and (pseudo-)syndicate all or portions of it to the IndieWeb wiki as either edits or as links to See Also sections of pages. “Pseudo” because the content isn’t always a 1 to 1 match.
To document the change, I’ll include a syndication link on my website to the permalink for the edit on the wiki. Having subscribed to feeds of wiki changes/edits before the user interfaces are far less than useful/ideal, so having a better contextual bookmark on my website makes more sense for readers while somewhat reformatting things for the readers of the wiki (a related but somewhat different context) works better for that, but still provides bi-directional links and references.
Perhaps I’ll create an edit post kind in the future? For the moment I’ll just post some (like this one) as an annotation? Small steps…
Example bookmark of a commonplace book: https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/14/neils-noodlemaps/
with a syndication link to the diff of the addition to the example on the IndieWeb wiki: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=commonplace_book&oldid=69042
IndieWeb quote of the day!
I was particularly struck by two quotes in the comments which are very similar to a popular saying by Blaise Pascal.
Are these truisms proven out on a daily basis by Twitter?
Hey, wait! He’s not only following me, but a very distinct subset of my posts! 🙂
This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone indicate that they’ve done this in the wild.
I’ll also admit that this is a really great looking blogroll too! I’m going to have to mine it for the bunch of feeds that I’m not already following.
Highlighting this sentence on the Highly blog (on Medium) ironically using Hypothes.is. I’m syndicating a copy over to my own website because I know that most social services are not long for this world. The only highlights that live forever are the ones you keep on your own website or another location that you own and control.
RIP Highly.
Viva IndieWeb!
An important observation. What might create such a tipping point? Is there a way to look back at these things historically to determine the most common factors that would create such tipping points?