Tag: exercise
Checkin Dunsmore Park
Afternoon walk — with Lily
Checkin Dunsmore Park
A wonderfully clear day given how close the Creek Fire is.
Took a walk while listening to the Modernist Breadcrumb podcast. Picked up a scrapbook of papers that “Mia” mislaid all over the park.
Checkin Henninger Trailhead
Warm day for a hike
Checkin Dunsmore Park
Monday morning walk

A small snake joins me for a bit on my morning walk

Checkin Dunsmore Park
Morning walk

My walk in the park

Checkin Dunsmore Park
Morning walk

Checkin Dunsmore Park
Morning walk as the grounds crew removes a tree.

Construction crew removing a tree in Dunsmore Park

Construction crew removing a tree in Dunsmore Park
Checkin Dunsmore Park
What a great morning for a walk.
Fitbit will lay off 110 employees amid challenges in wearable market | The Verge
Fitbit today released preliminary results for its upcoming fourth quarter earnings report, and the news isn’t good.