Tag: German Shepherd
Dog grammar must honor the double negative because when I shout “No! No!” my dog definitely hears “Yes!”
Dogs everywhere are wagging their tails as the White House has been without pooches for the past four years
And all this time I could have been identifying with him for his penchant to rescue German Shepherds? Lily will be excited to hear about this…
Acquired Dyson V8 Animal vacuum cleaner
The Dyson V8 Animal stick vacuum is engineered for homes with pets. Captures dust, animal hair and allergens.
I got one of these at Bed Bath & Beyond for $239.00 which was one of the better deals I’ve seen recently. I was loathe to try out yet another vacuum cleaner and didn’t have much hope that anything could win against the inimitable German Shepherd Lily. However, I don’t think I’ve ever seen our carpets cleaner! I think the first pass at the living room rug took about two whole dogs’ worth of hair out. How did I manage to live without this for the past two years.
Now if I could just get the Furminator version of this vacuum so we could get it at the source…
German shepherd to owner: Of course I know my fur is all over the couch! It’s called fur-niture!!
Who needs a pomodoro timer when this woof asks for belly rubs every 10 minutes?
German Shedders Unite!
We got Lily, a German Shepherd rescue, almost a year ago this month in the same situation. Hit by car with pelvis, legs, and ankle broken (while pregnant). She’s also awfully sweet too given her past trauma. But be prepared for all the shedding! #germanshedder #furminator
Wow! I had a long hair cat named Tycho who maybe had one hairball in 12 years, but my German shepherd Lily who I’ve only had for about 6 months, just yakked up the biggest hairball I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I specifically used the word yakked because that’s about the size and level of hairiness of what I had to clean up.
I had a long hair cat named Tycho (a Maine coon/Russian Gray mix?) for 12 years, and I don’t think in his entire life he shed as much fur as my German Shepherd Lily has shed in the past two weeks. (This doesn’t count the 20 pounds of fur I’ve bushed off of her with a Furminator in the past week either.)
Time to buy a robot vacuum cleaner I think.
Checkin PetSmart
Picking up some supplies for the dog. I’m hoping the furminator will help with our severe shedding problem.


Dog section in PetSmart

The Furminator