Read Redesigning my Blog Post Pages by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (Aaron Parecki)
I had a great time in the sessions at IndieWebCamp West yesterday! Today is project day, so I started the morning off listening to some chill tunes with other folks on the Zoom "hallway track" deciding what to work on. My blog post permalinks have been bothering me for a while, I feel like they are...
Read IndieFollow by Matthias PfefferleMatthias Pfefferle (notizBlog)
Letzte Woche war WordCamp Europe. Mit weit über 8000 Teilnehmern war es das bisher größte online WordCamp! Bei der Größe ist es klar, dass man auch eine ganze Menge neuer und interessanter Leute trifft. Also schnell auf Twitter und allen folgen! Ich war auf dem größten online Event, von dem w...
I’ve commented before that I really don’t understand why WordCamps don’t provide badges with spaces for one’s website as their primary identity. Twitter can be good for quick follows and conference chatter, but now that we have some tools for doing a lot of this within WordPress, why not use it and prefer it over other methods?

Matthias has some great thoughts here about following and highlights a great follow page he’s built for his own website.

Annotated Another Website Redesign - and Making the Internet Better (
Honestly, if a real platform existed where I could just communicate with my friends, make new friends, and read blogs by real people with no corporations or ads, I would love to be a part of that. I just don't even know if it's possible anymore. I don't know if any centralized platform can do that in 2020. Fortunately, we have our decentralized websites, and we can connect with each other this way. 
This! I want this too and I feel like I’m getting there with IndieWeb-related tools!

Replied to a thread by szarka and Kat Murti (Twitter)
We’re hosting a free online IndieWebCamp this weekend if you’d like to join us and see what is going on in the space. @KatMurti, you’ve already got your own domain name and WordPress site, so you’re most of the way there already.

ThreadReaderApp announces support for Micropub

Bookmarked We have new features on our site for authors who love writing Twitter threads! by ThreadReaderAppThreadReaderApp (
1) Get PDF archives of all your own threads
2) Publish your threads to blog using Micropub

We are providing these for free to help authors spread their work!
Replied to a tweet (Twitter)
Those two are pretty advanced clients, so if it’s not working with them, you likely won’t find any. Your best bet is and find some help there maybe.
Replied to a tweet by Martha BurtisMartha Burtis (Twitter)
I want it all too! If you’d like to join us at IndieWebCamp this weekend (free online), let’s have a session there to brainstorm how we can have our cakes and eat them too.

I think some of the POSSE (Post on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) model may work to smooth some of this over. For example, I can write my response to everyone on my own WordPress site and fairly easily syndicate it to Twitter to have the best of both worlds.

If this weekend isn’t convenient, let’s host a pop-up session or mini-conference in a bit to discuss it and see what we can hack together.