Read Micropub (Chapter of a forthcoming longer book) by Manton ReeceManton Reece (GitHub)
Micropub is one of several important IndieWeb building blocks, answering the question: what would a posting API look like if we started over, stripping away everything except the most basic requirement of sending post text to a server, and then build on top of that foundation when clients and servers in the real world need more?
I ran across ProseMirror yesterday and my first thought was: I want this for writing and posting to my website! Not having the time or experience to set it up and integrate it myself, I wonder if there’s a public instance of it on the web that has Micropub integration?

That would allow it to publish to to several dozen different CMSes including WordPress, Drupal, WithKnown, Craft, Jekyll, Kirby, Hugo, and Micro​.Blog among a growing set of others.

I know that iA Writer recently added Micropub support to allow people to use their tool to publish this way. Sadly they’ve only got it working as Mac/iOS clients and not as a web client, which is something at which ProseMirror might excel.

Followed Cascadia Inspired

Followed Tracy Durnell (Cascadia Inspired)

Cascadia Inspired - Get outside. Get inspired.

Headshot of Tracy wearing a bicycle helmet

I’m a graphic designer doing environmental outreach in the public sector, and a fiction writer and photographer in my personal time. I live in the Seattle area, having moved to Washington state in 2008. I use this blog to explore different productivity techniques, consider my philosophy about creative work, search for balance between my creative work and the rest of my life, serve as an accountability tool and record of what work I do, and give back to the creative community.

Replied to a tweet by James Van Dyne (Twitter)
I do that! Try Micropub plugin + Syndication Links plugin + Quill or any of the other micropub clients that support posting notes and syndication endpoints.

Reach out if you need help to get it set up.

If you want to go crazy and thread your Twitter conversations, that’s possible too…

Reposted a tweet by IndieWebCampIndieWebCamp (Twitter)
One of my favorite parts about the IndieWeb? All the smiling faces of the people who are participating in a people-first re-imagining of the Internet.
Replied to Hovercards by Joseph DicksonJoseph Dickson (
A Hovercard also known as a h-card is a bit of content that’s shared about you on your website kinda like a visual/interactive business card. Implementation looks like Gravitar. It can contain far more information and is self-hosted.
Joseph, I thought I caught you say it during the demos, but wasn’t 100% sure. Reading this, confirms it. You’re conflating two different but very similar ideas.

h-card is a microformat class around the mark up of data about identity elements like names, addresses, cities, countries, and often including an avatar or photo. Hovercard is a UI element that creates a visual card when one hovers over a name or similar element that would contain h-card details. 

Gravatar serves some of these functions for WordPress from a centralized perspective. The data you would imput there would be wrapped with the h-card class, while Jetpack would give you the ability to display Gravatars as hovercards, so that when you hover over an avatar it will display more detail about the person in a small card-like UI.

For your experimentation purposes, you should be able to use just one post to test against my site. Once you’ve modified your theme, you can simply resend the webmention to my site and that will automatically update your original post. You don’t need to create new posts each time to test it out.

If you haven’t gotten it cleared up, do join us in the IndieWeb #WordPress channel, or catch us at an upcoming HWC event.


Read Are Micropub Queries the missing link? by Grant RichmondGrant Richmond (
With IndieWebCamp West just about to start I figured this would be a good time to write up some of my thoughts on one of the missing pieces of the IndieWeb ecosystem: Micropub Queries.What is Micropub The quick version is that Micropub is an open standard to allow publishing to your own website from...
The session that this post kicked off may have been one of the most interesting ones at IndieWebCamp West this weekend.
Read Adding Syndication Urls to My Posts by Ana Ulin (
Inspired by this weekend’s IndieWebCamp West, I added support to record and display syndication urls for my posts on this site.
The indieweb community encourages posting your content to your own site, and then liberally sharing either copies or links elsewhere on the web. The idea is that you own...
Read Access token grants for feed readers by fluffyfluffy (
This year IndieWeb Summit was canceled​, and some pretty good conversations took place. As usual my biggest interest was in doing authenticated, secure sharing of private posts, which has been a huge focus in how I’ve been building Publ.